This is a helpful feature that helps you get the most out of CARDINAL NEWS, especially while using mobile devices when you can’t see the entire URL address.




More page suggestions below description …

Considering the structure of digital news websites, the news articles that are published in a continuous timeline are known as posts. Each post represents one article with a date and a time stamp. However, there is another type of display on digital news websites known as a page. You are reading a page right now. Pages are information pages with no chronological connection. Pages are usually information web pages that feature general information, topics, directories, lists, photo galleries, products or services. For example, a specific weather report for a particular day is considered a news article about the weather for that day. That weather article is a post, which could be a weather alert or weather forecast for a specific day and a short forecast period. A post or article could also be a news report about a weather event that occurred (tornado, ice storm, flooding, etc).

A weather radar page or a weather page usually contains live information, such as a current forecast, weather observations or the current weather radar. A page is not usually connected to information about a specific date unless there is a featured page written about a significant historical weather event with reference information written in more of an encyclopedic format rather than a news article format.

(e.g., The January 1967 Blizzard — Arlingtoncardinal.com/january1967blizzard).

The weather radar page doesn’t include archived information, but it provides nearly live dynamic weather radar images, with links to weather resources, and links to related topics. THE CARDINAL NEWS radar page and weather page have simple web addresses that are easy to remember for quick access …



A comparison of web addresses from posts compared to pages demonstrates one of the major differences between a post and a page. CARDINAL NEWS posts usually have long web addresses (URLs) that might include the date or part of the date the article was published or posted.

Cardinal News web addresses for pages usually conveniently have one word or a short string of up to three words. The important thing to remember is that you can’t have spaces in the web address, so if there are three words, they are strung together — without spaces — into one word. For example, the web address for the CARDINAL NEWS Illinois State Police page is …



CARDINAL NEWS offers four ways to find information: Feed, Browsing, Searching or Paging. Each method has its own special usefulness.

FEEDS. Many people read news articles that are fed to them on Facebook or Twitter. Using a news feed (usually Facebook or Twitter) involves an effort to avoid missing news that you think you need to know, and perhaps includes a concern of missing the ongoing social commentary. While feeds can alert a person to an important topic; obsessing about news feeds can cause adverse side effects — distraction, unnecessary stress, and information clutter. The adverse effects of FEEDS are similar to a teen version involving social media obsession: Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) — the buzz phrase in the teen world that is defined as anxiety stemming from the belief that other teens might be having fun while a FOMO teen is missing out on the fun, or missing social interaction, or lacking a perceived better life in general. Yes, FOMO is a known side effect of social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, that is believed to negatively affect self-esteem and mental health. Actually, FOMO affects some adults, too. The news anxiety version is similar to the FOMO version experienced by teens. CARDINAL NEWS, like other news services, shares articles to Facebook and Twitter with all the plusses and minuses of social media — namely the social commentary. Sometimes comments associated with news article are beneficial, such as when a person provides a thoughtful answer to a question or a thoughtful explanation about an incident. However, sometimes comment sections are a mess of sniping ridicule or harassment by trolls or people that submit negative and harmful comments.

Do you want to avoid being in FOMO mode? Do you want to read news on your schedule; not the schedule of non-stop news feed? For those of you that want to avoid the rat race, skip or take a rest from the 24-hour feeds and continual interruptions … you might mix in the next three forms of accessing news — Browsing, Searching, and Paging.

FOMO has the adverse effect that drives a compulsive desire to stay connected with other people’s lives or to constantly absorb the news narrative. Social media is harmful especially when people get addicted to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, etc. — to an extent that individuals constantly check up on what others are doing, or saying. These individuals develop a habit of obsessively reacting to posts or comments. The social media consumption can involve distractions and put life on overdrive at the expense of eating, sleeping, exercising, spending quality time, and performing properly in school or work — that’s harmful.

Browsing. Here is the news gathering method for people that prefer to browse the front page of news sites, and choose to read articles when convenient. The feed method can be stressful because feeds can be addicting and article appearances may be fleeting. Readers might get a notice to read an article that is interesting, but later in the day that article might be gone or hard to find on a Facebook page or a Twitter feed. Browsing a news site or social media timeline is a little more “comfortable” and might even involve a better ‘quality of life’ compared to the anxiety of getting alerts for every news story on a feed. If you can’t find an article on the front page of a news site or the timeline of a Facebook page or Twitter account, searching is the next step.

Searching. Searching within a website or searching on Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter are the most common methods of searching for news. Readers can search a person’s name, a topic, etc. Quotations around two or more words can be helpful to narrow the search results. CARDINAL NEWS and Google allow quotation marks to be used around words (search terms) in the search box to help improve or narrow search results.

Paging. CARDINAL NEWS recommends paging, which involves direct, convenient addressing to get to specific type of information. Paging helps focus browsing of specific categories. Paging doesn’t only help readers find news articles, but helps find information topics or reference topics — like an encyclopedia article. The more a reader uses CARDINAL NEWS, the more that reader understands how to use pages to find information or access regular helpful information, such as weather radar, traffic, store hours and more [SUGGESTION: You can save multiple, frequently used pages to your HOME SCREEN on your smart phone.


If there is an information page that you would like CARDINAL NEWS to feature, you can suggest one. CARDINAL NEWS recommends readers submit suggestions for pages that might be useful. Your high school? Your condo association? Your apartment community? Your favorite store? Your workplace? Your neighborhood? As a suggestion, your information page could be designed just for you like a personalized news page (while keeping your name private). An information page can work like a dashboard, including a map, important locations nearby, and other resources that relate to the main topic of the page. The page could include information related to tasks, topics or issues that you encounter frequently — daily or weekly, for example — with references to related topics and helpful online resources.




Help for getting around — on the web and on the streets. The Cardinal’s go-to page.

/gas | /traffic (traffic speeds)

/TrafficRadar (traffic speeds with weather radar layer)

/go/traffic (map and traffic tweets)

/waze (see Waze users in area)

/metra | /CTA | /pace (coming soon)

/flightradar24 | /flights


Cardinal official Book Store …


Cardinal official Facebook for entertainment …









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Helps you see current conditions and weather alerts with links to more comprehensive weather (Arlingtoncardinal.com/weather), radar, and NEXRAD

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ABC News, ABC 7 Chicago, CBS News, CBS Chicago, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune Food, CNBC, CNN, Daily Mirror, DNAinfo Chicago, MSNBC, NBC Chicago, NBC News, WGN TV News, FOX 32 News, FOX News Channel, FOX Business, Sky News, WBBM Newsradio

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