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About 24/7 Crime Alerts!


24/7 Crime Alerts!
APB | CRIME BLOG | Crime Prevention | Crime Video | Crimes Notebook | DUI |
Neighborhood | Preparedness | Say That Again? | Terrorism

** All news articles are published with the most recent news at the top of the column **


24/7 Crime Alerts!
24/7 Crime Alerts! is the parent category to all of the following categories. All sub-categories below are published combined in the 24/7 Alerts! category with the latest news at the top of the column. The sub-categories below only include articles of their respective topics.

APB or ALL POINTS BULLETIN publishes breaking news — national and local — concerning missing persons, abductions (kidnappings), escaped prisoners, and wanted fugitives. Local Arlington Heights news is double-published in the CRIME BLOG column.

The CRIME BLOG is the log of criminal activity in Arlington Heights and some incidents of immediate border suburb locations — concerns crime news and alerts. Local DUI arrests are also listed in the CRIME BLOG. The CRIME BLOG is a 24/7 sampling of criminal activity, and does not include all incidents.

CRIME BLOG B is the log of criminal activity in Buffalo Grove, Elk Grove, Long Grove, Mount Prospect, Palatine, Prospect Heights, Rolling Meadows, Schaumburg and Wheeling. Currently CRIME BLOG B is not as thorough as the CRIME BLOG category covering Arlington Heights.

CRIME BLOG C is the log of criminal activity in Chicagoland beyond the suburbs of CRIME BLOG B.

Crime Prevention
Crime Prevention is a column of crime prevention tips and alerts of local and national significance.

Crimes Notebook
The Crimes Notebook is concerned with criminal activity of significance because of the interest, proximity and/or severity of the crime.

Crime Video
Crime Video contains national and local video concerning chases, caught-in-the-act, surveillance, dashcam video, etc.

DUI concerns national high profile, celebrity DUI arrests. Local DUI arrests are published in the CRIME BLOG.
The Global Conflict blog for contains a sampling of worldwide military and political protest conflicts.

In development … local neighborhood crime prevention information for Arlington Heights.


Preparedness includes information of Homeland Security tips and alerts.

Say That Again?
Sometimes you hear something and you can’t believe your ears. Most things that involve the police or fire departments are serious matters. But for whatever reason: stress, circumstances, the human condition, extreme stupidity or just plain irony; you just might tilt your head and have a hard time holding back a giggle, or a cringe or a shaking of your head. These are sentences you thought you’d never hear.

The Cardinal ‘Say That Again?‘ column forwards a few of those incidents that just make you say: ‘Can you repeat that?’ We don’t want to laugh at anyone’s misfortune, so we’ll keep the locations obscure and the names of businesses and people involved a secret. In fact, we don’t even usually know who these people are.

Terrorism notes of interest.



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9-1-1 Audio Released: Hoffman Estates Engelhardt Stabbings 4-17-2009

Following is one of the most professionally-handled 9-1-1 calls among calls that are released by 9-1-1 officials nationwide. Keep in mind that 9-1-1 call takers are responsible not only for getting help to the scene, but that they are responsible for gathering helpful information about any danger to first responders that might still exist at the scene. The call taker is calm, non-judgmental, reassuring and asks the necessary questions that are needed by responding police and paramedics. Keep in mind that at least one other 9-1-1 telecommunications operator/dispatcher is receiving the call takers information and alerting responding units by radio and/or text messages to a mobile data terminal or computer in emergency vehicles. Listen to the 9-1-1 audio (aka “9-1-1 tape”) […]