Sarah Palin Book Tour
The Sarah Palin Going Rogue Book Tour Schedule (Updated) SOURCE: Texas for Sarah Palin (check for updates) 11/18: Grand Rapids, MI – Barnes & Noble, Woodland Mall, 3670 28th St SE, Kentwood, 6 PM 11/19: […]
The Sarah Palin Going Rogue Book Tour Schedule (Updated) SOURCE: Texas for Sarah Palin (check for updates) 11/18: Grand Rapids, MI – Barnes & Noble, Woodland Mall, 3670 28th St SE, Kentwood, 6 PM 11/19: […]
Sarah Palin writes at length about CBS anchor Katie Couric in Going Rogue. Palin alleges that Couric and CBS omitted her more “substantive” remarks and settled for “gotcha” moments — saying Couric had a “partisan […]
After the running — you know — she talked about how nice it would be to take some of this money people been offerin’ us and — you know — just run with it — […]
Here are the results of the most annoying word phrases, from a telephone survey conducted by Marist University in August 2009 … Whatever (especially disliked in the Midwest/55%) — 47% chose it as most disliked […]
Soft Lockdown ‘Soft Lockdown’ is term that defines a protocol in a school to respond to a threat outside the school without immediate threat to the students inside the school. During a Soft Lockdown the […]
Today around the world it has been or will be 9:09 on 09/09/09 — twice A.M and P.M. Spooky? September 9, 2009 also happens to be the 252nd day of the year (2 + 5 […]
Mission creep is the expansion of a project or mission beyond its original goals, often after initial successes. The term often implies a certain disapproval of newly adopted goals by the user of the phrase. […]
Thomas Paine, was an ordinary man who changed the course of history by writing Common Sense, the concise 1776 masterpiece in which, through extraordinarily straightforward and indisputable arguments, he encouraged his fellow citizens to take […]
A situation when law officers decided to pursue or drop charges. As an elected or appointed official, the prosecutor is the most powerful official in the criminal justice system. Prosecutors exercise unfettered discretion, deciding who […]
Common Sense lived a long life, but died from heart failure at the brink of the Millennium. No one really knows how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He selflessly devoted his life to service in schools; hospitals, homes, factories and offices, helping folks get jobs done without fanfare and foolishness.
For decades, petty rules, silly laws and frivolous lawsuits held no power over Common Sense. He was credited with cultivating such valued lessons as to know when to come in from rain, the early bird gets the worm and life isn’t always fair. […]
FOXNews has launched a political commentary site of the style of many political blogs, such as the Huffington Post and Politico. Fox News has dominated cable competitors MSNBC and CNN in cable TV ratings. On […]
TUE MAR 24 2009 — The White House Office of Management and Budget now prefers to replace “Global War on Terror” with “Overseas Contingency Operation.” MON MAR 23 2009 — The Department of Homeland Security […]
Just out March 24, 2009 … Amazon.com Sales Rank: #3 in Books the day before release date. “In the face of the modern liberal assault on Constitution-based values, an attack that has steadily snowballed since […]
A slumping economy may lead to more crashes. Get-there-itis is a term transportation and safety experts use to describe people making hasty decisions to reach a destination when safety can be neglected. FedEx Flight 80 […]
Bernie Madoff Golf Balls inspired by Bernie Madoff … he’s the man …
Responsible for the largest and longest Ponzi scheme in history
Scammed everyone from the richest to the poorest resulting in losses of over $50 Billion
Stole from his own family and even charities
Lavishly lived a life of lies on other peoples money for 20 years
On top of all that, he was still able to walk around with a smirk on his face […]
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