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* FRONTPAGE * 3-12-2009 Archive

Judge to investor, “Speak directly to the bench.” Inmate: Madoff in jail »»» DJI (7170.66 (+239.66), good news from banks, GM, GE, retail, S&P »»» 36 y/o Sears Tower to be renamed Willis Tower »»» Lake County (IL) : Potent heroin caused 20 deaths »»» Oak Park dismembered body ID’d: Rafael Ramirez, 18 »»» Chicago ex-cop was sleeper agent for Chicago outfit »»» Charles Freeman Jr. withdraws from consideration as chairman of National Intelligence Council »»» Divorce papers: Las Vegas Steve Wynn and Elaine »»» Happiness Poll: Tops are Utah, Hawaii, Wyoming; bottom are Mississippi, Kentucky and West Virginia »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-11-2009 Archive

12 dead: Gunman Michael McLendon, 28, kills 11 and self in Coffee and Geneva Counties »»» 15 dead: Tim Kretschmer, 17, kills 14 near Stuttgart, Germany »»» Robert Royko, 45, son of Mike Royko pleaded guilty for attempted bank robbery »»» Illinois unemployment hits 7.9% »»» Market Holding Steady at 6930.40 »»» FDA issues peanut safety guidelines for foodmakers »»» Minneapolis Somali-Americans Recruited for Al-Qaeda-Linked Group »»» FBI: online chat rooms used to recruit? At least a dozen missing Somali worshipped at Abubakar As-Saddique mosque »»» Kucinich questions Citigroup’s $8 billion financing to Dubai & Bank of America’s $7 billion investment in China Construction Bank Corp; Kashkari warns against government micromanaging »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-10-2009 Archive

DJI up over 300 points »»» Second fatal terrorist attack in Northern Ireland: Policeman killed after two British soldiers killed Saturday »»» Gary Sinise, executive producer of “Brothers at War,” criticizes De Palma’s “Redacted” »»» Ali Al-Marri, sleeper agent in court for first time after 6 years in prison »»» Rasmussen Reports: Obama disapproval rating among Republicans doubles since inauguration »»» Dakotas, Minnesota hit by blizzard while Midwest rivers rise »»» FLOOD WARNING for Des Plaines River, Fox River, Iroquis River, Kankakee River, Vermillion River »»» Trial set Oct 27 with new charges: David Kernell, accused of hacking Sarah Palin’s email account pleads not guilty »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3/9/2009 Archive

U.S., South Korea conduct war games while North Korea issues warning about attacks on its missile test »»» Obama: End of stem cell research ban a scientific decision based on fact, not ideology. Opponents: day marks defeat of morality »»» DJI 6547.05 (-79.89) »»» China: U.S. naval ship was conducting illegal surveying activities. U.S. protest unprofessional maneuvers, harrassment by Chinese Navy »»» Jim Cramer: Obama team thin-skinned, Frank Rich & Jon Stewart manipulate sound bite to promote urban legend »»» Martha Stewart’s puppy and 16 other dogs killed by propane gas explosion at Pennsylvania kennel »»» Quaker Oats begins “Go Humans Go” campaign »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-8-2009 Archive

Iran Test Fires New Air-to-Surface Missile »»» Maryville, Illinois pastor shot and killed after first bullets deflected by a Bible »»» Obama to ease trade, travel restrictions on Cuba »»» World Bank: global economy forecast to contract for first time since World War II »»» Chicago area FLOOD WARNING (see updates at »»» Tornadoes: South Central Kansas, Missori, Illinois, Central Indiana, South Indiana (RSS) »»» Cybersecurity Chief Beckstrom resigns over NSA’s central role in cybersecurity »»» Two U.K. Soldiers Killed in Northern Ireland Attack »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-7-2009 Archive

Sovereign Movement: 4 arrested in Las Vegas probe of anti-government group »»» DENIED: Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg challenges Al Gore to debate on global warming »»» Perezagruzka (reset) or peregruzka (overcharged) and Hillary Clinton’s reset button gaffe: No details in Moscow Times »»» Terrell Owens to Buffalo Bills »»» Flood Watch Chicago Area (check Arlingtoncards Weather for updates) »»» Attorney General Eric H. Holder rebuked by Obama for ‘nation of cowards’ comment »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-6-2009 Archive

Jobless Rate Hits 8.1%, Highest in 26 Years »»» DJIA 14,164.53 (October 2007) down to 6,594.44 (February 2009) »»» WSJ: Obama’s radicalism Is killing the dow »»» Krauthammer: Deception at core of Obama plans, greatest non sequitur ever foisted on the American people »»» Trump Ocean Resort Baja venture collapses, investors lose deposits »»» Obama rescinds restrictions on federal funding for human embryonic stem-cell research »»» Chicago tortilla plant linked to illnesses »»» Dr. Sanjay Gupta withdraws from consideration of surgeon general position »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-5-2009 Archive

Citigroup stock hovering aroud $1 »»» GM auditors considering Chapter 11; shares slide below $2 »»» Barbara Bush, 83, heart surgery to replace aortic valve »»» Robin Williams, 57, evaluated for heart problems »»» Cook County Sheriff sues Craigslist for sex ads »»» Murder defendant David Paradiso, 28, shot dead in court room by police detective while attacking female judge »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-4-2009 Archive

Marni Kay Yang, 41, arrest for murder of Shaun Gayle’s girlfriend, Rhoni Reuter »»» Bill Gates bans children from using Apple products, Melinda admits she’d like an iPhone »»» KUMO: New Internet search engine tested by Microsoft »»» FDIC: Insurance Fund Could Be Insolvent This Year »»» Las Vegas mogul Sheldon Adelson criticizes Obama »»» One in five U.S. mortgage borrowers are underwater »»» Chicago’s Mr. Beef faces forclosure, Midwest Bank cut off line of credit »»» MB Financial: 25-30 Chicago banks could fail »»» New iPhone app can read Amazon Kindle files »»» Obama repeal of abortion regulation may discriminate against pro-life doctors »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-3-2009 Archive

Dow Jones 6727.02 (-37.27) »»» S&P below 700 first time since 1996 »»» Medvedev Rebuffed Obama Offer to Halt Eastern European Missile Shield in Return for Help with Iran »»» Blagojevich Gets “Six-Figure” Book Deal with Phoenix Books »»» Wilmette Murder-Suicide: Richard Wiley Served 15 Years for Killing First Wife and Kills Again »»» Married gays in Mass. sue US for federal benefits »»» Almost 2,000 Mexican soldiers crackdown on drug gangs on Ciudad Juarez, Near El Paso »»» Unlawful Alcohol Possession: Buffalo Grove Police Arrest 18 at Party 3 am Sunday »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-2-2009 Archive

Football Players — Missing Boaters in Clearwater, Florida »»» 6763.29: Dow Jones Lowest Close Since April 1997 »»» Washing D.C. Global Warming Protest: NASA Chief Climate Expert Call for Civil Disobedience »»» Wash. D.C. Snowstorm 4″ Plus »»» Chicago: Two Roseland Community Hospital Patients Die of Bacterial Infections »»» Cirque du Soleil Expected to Bring Show to Chicago Theatre »»» Obama Releases Secret Bush Memos »»» ACLU Sues CIA Over Interrogation of Terror Suspects »»» More Than 40 Weekend Tea Party Protests Rick Santelli-Inspired »»» Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio Immigration Policy Under Fire »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-1-2009 Archive

Paul Harvey, 90, Dies in Hospital in Phoenix »»» Robbers Roll Getaway Car on I-57, Carjack Good Samaritan, and Get Caught »»» Jerry Springer Show To Leave Chicago & Move to Connecticutt »»» Rihanna and Chris Brown Back Together »»» Warren Buffett: Economy ‘In Shambles’ 2009 and Beyond »»» Church and Community Leaders Support Roland Burris »»» […]