Homicide Suspect At Large in Barrington Today Surrounded in Building in Pepper Road Business Park

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The blue Chevrolet pickup truck that two subjects were traveling in when they crashed at Northwest Highway and Pepper Road in Barrington and fled to the Swiss Automation parking lot in their vehicle and then fled on foot (CARDINAL NEWS)
The blue Chevrolet pickup truck that two subjects were traveling in when they crashed at Northwest Highway and Pepper Road in Barrington and fled to the Swiss Automation parking lot in their vehicle and then fled on foot (CARDINAL NEWS).

Suspect in custody between 8:10 p.m. and 8:15 p.m.

The homicide suspect, the subject of a day-long search in Barrington near Pepper Road and Northwest Highway, was surrounded by police Tuesday Evening in a building in the Pepper Road Business Park near Pepper Road and Commercial Avenue.

The manhunt incident has changed to a barricade incident at about 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Armored vehicles were on the move along with tactical personnel around 6:30 p.m.

Negotiations are underway for the barricaded subject.

A female was arrested at the Speedway at Northwest Highway and Kelsey Road just west of the scene around 2:10 p.m. Tuesday. She had been blending in the scene with other bystanders and was discussing the incident, providing some details and asking questions. Suddenly, police arrived, handcuffed her, searched her and took her into custody.

Police found at least one gun at the Speedway property.

More complete details are developing.

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