Lack of Construction Permit Listed Among Other Factors in Wrongful Death Suit After Boy Drowned in Pool in Richmond, Illinois

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In Richmond, Illinois, the homeowners’ failure to have the design and construction of a swimming pool catwalk and deck approved by local municipal authorities to confirm compliance with applicable safety standards and requirements has been listed among other factors as acts of negligence and/or omission which directly or proximately caused the death of a boy who drowned in a swimming pool August 6, 2022, and subsequently died on August 8, 2022.

The residence where the drowning occurred is located in the block of 10000 Keystone Road in Richmond, Illinois in McHenry County.

The lawsuit filed in McHenry County Circuit Court claims that McHenry County resident Grayson Vingan, age 4, used a black storage tote left at the location by the pool owners to climb onto a pool deck and enter a swimming pool. Once in the swimming pool, Grayson Vingan drowned, and subsequently died, even after successful resuscitation at the scene.

The lawsuit claims that defendants Blake Domanico and Sarah Svoboda (now known as Sarah Domanico) invited Grayson Vingan and other children and adults, but created a hazardous condition on their premises by placing a large black storage tote in such a location so as to allow minor children to gain access to the deck and swimming pool.

The lawsuit also claims negligence due to …

failure to warn or inform the parents of the minor children invited that there was a large black storage tote that permitted their children to access the deck and swimming pool;

failure to design, construct and maintain a catwalk and decking with vertical barriers or fencing in violation of applicable safety standards and requirements that would have been required with the approval of a building or construction permit;

failure to have the design and construction of the catwalk and deck approved by local municipal authorities to confirm compliance with applicable safety standards and requirements; and

failure to monitor, supervise and control their premises despite having invited minor children to use their swimming pool.

As a direct and proximate result of the alleged negligent acts or omissions by the defendants, Grayson’s parents Caley Vingan and George Vingan incurred and became personally liable for the medical, ambulance, funeral and burial expenses incurred as a result of the injuries to and the death of their son, Grayson Vingan.

The lawsuit claims that Grayson’s parents are entitled to recover the sums of these expenses from Blake Domanico and Sara Domanico.

According to McHenry County court records, no construction contractors associated with a failure to pull a permit were listed as defendants or a party in the wrongful death lawsuit as of Tuesday afternoon, August 6, 2024.

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Richmond, Illinois is located on US-12 just south of the Illinois-Wisconsin state line …

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