‘The Great Reset’ Looms, But You’ve Got Your Netflix, Football, and Online Shopping

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My Thanksgiving Homily entitled “WHY?”

Guest Author

What if, every year, your credit card balance went higher, but your paycheck got smaller? What would you predict would be the eventual outcome? If you said, “Bankruptcy”, you would, of course, be correct.

What if you were a country and your national debt (credit card balance) was going up every year, but your gross domestic product (income) was going down? Would the results be the same? Of course. If so, as a resident of that country, what would you want to do about it to prepare?

Would the value of your money be worth anything if the whole world knew it was becoming worthless counterfeit currency, and actually the country cranking out this worthless currency was actually hopelessly bankrupt? Of course not.

So, as with Weimar Germany in 1923 your currency would become worthless. But in 1923, you could simply swap whatever valuables you had for currency from another country that wasn’t bankrupt (such as the French franc, the British pound sterling, or the US dollar). But, what if all the world’s currencies were hopelessly in debt and their parent countries also bankrupt? Now what would you do?!?

Where would you put your assets to survive what we all (should) realize is coming, and is now being pitched as the “The Great Reset” or “Great Global Reset”? Hmmm?

Have you thought about this? If not, WHY NOT? Do you just want to spend your whole life working for so-called “money” that is, in reality, just worthless paper?

As we sit around the dinner table this Thanksgiving, why is this not the topic of discussion amongst 99% of the people I know, on this, or any day?

Between 1776-1996 (220 years) the United States accumulated $5 trillion worth of national debt. The US has accumulated an additional $5 trillion worth of national debt just in 2020! The market bubbles, the stimulus packages, Covid, the election, the lockdowns, this is all just part of what is now being called the “Great Global Reset”. Why are the airwaves and dinner tables across America not being flooded with information on how to prepare for this inevitable event?

Do you think it’s because the people who know what’s going on don’t want the great unwashed masses knowing what to do to prepare?

Do you think Bill Gates (who has publicly stated he wants to reduce the world’s population growth with vaccines) really cares about you?

Do you think the Rothschilds, the Clintons, the Bush’s, and all the other world’s “elite” really give a rats ass about you and your problems? (Your gas guzzling SUV, your Black Lives Matter, your Dallas Cowboys, or your 401(k))? Really?

Why are we, as a civilization, blindly walking into this giant roach motel? All of my personal friends are intelligent, well-educated, and yet don’t seem to have a clue about what to do. So, they just throw up their hands in the air, say “It is what it is”, or “What will be will be”, and go back to watching Netflix or shopping online for useless distractions.


FOR REFERENCE ONLY from Cardinal News …
(Neither endorsement nor panning)

World Economic Forum | THE GREAT RESET

World Economic Forum | Now is the time for a ‘great reset’

Population Research Institute | Investigation of Sterilization Camp Funding—India

Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines



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