An employee of Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA) was observed taking down a traffic-related data collection camera device at the northwest corner of Northwest Highway and Wilke Road in Arlington Heights on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. GHA is a civil engineering, surveying, transportation planning company that also provides other civil engineering-related services. The company has headquarters in Vernon Hills, Illinois in Lake County. Although not confirmed, GHA was likely hired either by the Chicago Bears Football Club, LLC or the Village of Arlington Heights to collect data for traffic studies related to the possible construction of an NFL-class football stadium at the former Arlington Park property, just south of Northwest Highway (US-14), and just west of Wilke Road in Arlington Heights.

At the September 6, 2022 Arlington Heights Village Board meeting, the Board authorized execution of an agreement with Sam Schwartz LLC to conduct reviews of the traffic and parking studies conducted by the Chicago Bears Football Club (CBFC) related to their conceptual plans for the redevelopment of the Arlington Park Racetrack site with a NFL stadium and mixed-use entertainment district. While the CBFC began those studies in 2022, they paused them in 2023 due to disputes over short and long-term property taxes for the site, according to the Village of Arlington Heights.
According to the Village of Arlington Heights, staff believes it is now necessary to re-engage with the village’s consulting teams so that the studies conducted by CBFC’s own consultants can be properly evaluated and vetted. These studies are crucial to determine the economic and financial viability of the project and to identify and plan for needed infrastructure to support it. Per the 2022 Pre-Development Agreement, the CBFC will reimburse the Village for the expenses it incurs for these studies.
The Village Board unanimously approved the staff recommendation to approve a Resolution Authorizing Execution of the First Amendment to Agreement with the T.Y. Lin Great Lakes, Inc. (formerly Sam Schwartz) for Vehicular Traffic and Parking Analytical Services for the Redevelopment of the Arlington International Racecourse Property.
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