(FOUND SAFE 4:50 AM) Buffalo Grove Community Searching for Missing 12 Year-Old Near Tripp Elementary School

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Jonathan Shin was found safe at 4:50 a.m., according to the Village of Buffalo Grove.

The Buffalo Grove Police Department (BGPD) is seeking the public’s help in locating a missing 12-year-old child, Jonathan Shin.

Shin was reported missing to police at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 19. Shin was last seen leaving his residence on Newton Court to walk the family dog, a white toy poodle. The dog was returned to the home by a neighbor after being found loose, prompting the search for Jonathan.

Shin is 5-foot tall and approximately 90 pounds. He was last seen wearing brown-framed glasses, a tan/white Nike sweatshirt and black sweatpants. His phone was left at home.

Anyone who has seen Jonathan or has information that may help in his search is asked to call 911 or 847-459-2560. The public is also asked to share his photo to amplify search efforts.

Missing Alert Jonathan Shin (SOURCE: Village of Buffalo Grove)
Missing Alert Jonathan Shin (SOURCE: Village of Buffalo Grove).

Police and the Buffalo Grove community are searching for a missing 12-year-old resident, Jonathan Shin.

Jonathan Shin was last seen leaving his residence in the neighborhood surrounding Tripp Elementary School tonight at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

Jonathan is 5 foot tall, approximately 90 pounds and was wearing brown glasses, a tan/white Nike sweatshirt and black sweatpants.

If you have any information or have seen him, please call 911 or 847-459-2560. Please share this post to help us locate Jonathan as quickly as possible.

— Village of Buffalo Grove



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