Water Main Transmission Line Break in Skokie Causes Flooding, Low Pressure, Boil Order

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According to a Village of Skokie alert, the water main broke near East Prairie Road and Emerson Street, affecting the area’s water supply (CBS Chicago). YouTube Tips ⓘ

Police, firefighters, and public works personnel responded about 5:15 a.m. to a report of a water main break at East Prairie and Emerson in Skokie. The break involves a “significant transmission water main” that has caused a drop in water pressure in parts of Skokie. The drop in water pressure has necessitated the need for a Boil Water Order by the Village of Skokie “as a precaution”.

Conditions of low water pressure in underground pipes can actually cause the pipes to draw in contaminants from the soil outside the water pipes when the pressure outside the pipes is greater than the pressure inside the pipes. The contaminants can include pathogenic organism and chemicals that have seeped underground over the years, such as fertilizers, gasoline, and other spills or runoffs from streets, driveways and parking lots.

In an emergency situation involving widespread low water pressure, it is probably best to drink water from bottled water from grocery stores.

The water main break has caused major flooding with icing over the water flowing on the streets. Some vehicles parked in streets and driveways have been flooded and may be damaged.

Roads closed include …

McCormick Boulevard from Dempster to Golf, and

East Prairie from Church to Golf.

The Skokie water supply in the village is affected as well. A boil order has been issued for Skokie residents.

The Village of Skokie is working to repair a significant transmission water main break that occurred at approximately 5:15 a.m. this morning at East Prairie Road and Emerson Street.

Some community members in Skokie have reported very low water pressure or no water supply.

Boil Water Order In Effect
As a precaution, a Boil Water Order is in effect. Do not drink tap water without first boiling it.

Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for five minutes, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in water.

Community members should avoid non-essential tap water use.

Police said public works crew are on the scene and working to resolve the issue.

Skokie-Morton Grove School District 69 canceled school Friday morning, February 14, 2025 due to the break in the Skokie main transmission water line.

Skokie receives water from the City of Evanston intake of Lake Michigan water. Evanston’s water treatment plant is municipally owned and operated.

Evanston’s intake of Lake Michigan water is supplied to the Village of Skokie and the Northwest Water Commission which includes the municipalities of Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Palatine, and Wheeling.

Skokie Civic Alert



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