Old Ford Explorer, Driver Wanted for Investigation of Multiple Car Burglaries in Geneva

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Driver of a suspicious Ford Explorer in Geneva, Illinois on Thursday, February 13, 2025 wanted for investigation of multiple vehicle burglaries in the City of Geneva (SOURCE: Geneva Police Department)
Driver of a suspicious Ford Explorer in Geneva, Illinois on Thursday, February 13, 2025 wanted for investigation of multiple vehicle burglaries in the City of Geneva (SOURCE: Geneva Police Department).

The Geneva Police Department is asking residents to lock their car doors after nearly 20 vehicles were reported burglarized early on Thursday, February 13, 2025, and the driver of a suspicious vehicle fled a traffic stop attempt by Geneva police officers.


White 1999 Ford Explorer
Rust near wheel wells
Illinois plate ET 97912

The burglaries occurred at the following locations:

Andover Lane

Bedford Lane

Bridgeport Lane

Brookfield Lane

Greenwich Lane

Normandy Lane

Sheffield Lane

Southampton Court

Southampton Drive

Williamsburg Avenue.

Geneva Police officers responded to the area and identified a possible suspicious vehicle, a white 1999 Ford Explorer, bearing Illinois license plate registration ET97912. The vehicle fled from the area when officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop. Geneva Police Department policy prohibits officers from pursuing vehicles suspected to have been involved with only property crimes.

Police are working to locate the Ford Explorer and to identify the driver. Residents who have information, including doorbell or security video footage, are encouraged to call the Geneva Police Department at 630-232-4736.

Geneva Police continue to remind residents about the dangers of leaving valuables inside their vehicles overnight, especially with the doors unlocked. People should immediately report all suspicious activity to the Geneva Police Department by calling 911. Police are able to respond quicker when information is conveyed in a timely manner, which may be the key to solving a crime.

The Police Department would like to thank the community for working together to keep Geneva a safe place to live.

— Geneva Police Department

Residents can help police by making their cars less of a target. People should lock their vehicles and remove valuables, such as computers, phones, electronics, purses, keys, garage door openers, etc., from their cars at night. Residents should make sure their garage door is closed, windows are secured, and access doors to the garage and home are locked.

Outdoor lighting may act as a deterrent in some cases since many of these car burglaries occur under the cover of darkness. The majority of car burglaries are crimes of opportunity and are preventable.



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