After the Arlington Heights Police Department has been phasing out the attractive deep blue police vehicles for a classic black-and-white appearance for about 10 months, a CARDINAL NEWS camera caught a marked black-and-white pickup truck at the Orchard Evangelical Free Church parking lot on Saturday night, February 15, 2025. The pickup truck is a 4-door cab, Chevrolet Silverado Z71, and is apparently replacing a blue Chevrolet Tahoe that was serving as the police department’s evidence technician’s vehicle.
The vehicle has a captivating appearance for police vehicle geeks, but we’ll see how well it is liked by police officers, compared to the Chevrolet Tahoe and it’s tailgate — that when lifted — covered police officers and protected them from rain while they worked at the rear of the vehicle, or while they retrieved or packed equipment.

We’ll eventually miss the deep blue design when it is gone. The deep blue design was conceived by some Arlington Heights police officers. The new look is also attractive with a professional appearance.
The rollout of the new black-and-white vehicles began in April 2024.

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