High-Speed Crash Roselle Rd/State Pkwy Schaumburg; Another Dodge Charger Bites the Dust, Its Driver Struggles to Survive

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High-speed intersection crash, Dodge Charger wrapped around a large metal traffic signal pole at Roselle Road and State Parkway in Schaumburg (CARDINAL NEWS). YouTube Tips ⓘ

Police, firefighters, and paramedics from Schaumburg responded about 8:24 p.m. Friday, January 31, 2025 to a report of a crash with injuries at Roselle Road and State Parkway in Schaumburg after a police officer apparently discovered the crash. The police officer first on the scene requested that paramedics expedite to the scene for a male victim with life-threatening injuries.

The first fire crew on arrival reported a car wrapped around a pole with serious damage, and a second vehicle involved as well. Police and firefighters discovered a black Dodge Charger wrapped around a pole at the northeast corner of the intersection. The other vehicle involved in the crash was located in the middle of the intersection.

A male patient was trapped in the Dodge Charger that was wrapped around a traffic signal standard (metal pole), and essentially split in half. The driver was inside the Dodge Charger with life-threatening injuries for about 35 minutes while firefighters were operating on a difficult extrication.

The driver of the other vehicle told paramedics she was “OK”.

The driver of the Dodge Charger was extricated by 9:04 p.m., and transported with life-threatening injuries to Level 1 Trauma Center Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge.

The Village of Schaumburg posted a road closure alert for the area near the crash at 8:38 p.m. Friday, but never posted an updated notification when the intersection was cleared. Neither the Village of Schaumburg nor the Schaumburg Police Department provided a press releasing regarding this serious high-speed crash involving life-threatening injuries, a prolonged investigation, and prolonged road closures on a Friday night.

Roselle Road was closed between Remington Circle and Kristen Drive. Valley Lake Drive was closed at the intersection with Roselle Road. State Parkway was initially closed at the intersection with Roselle Road, but was later closed further east at Wilkening Road.

Hanover Township Emergency Services assisted the Village of Schaumburg Police Department with traffic control.


The information in this article is an early report published before any summary information was confirmed or released by police or fire authorities.

AWARENESS MATTERS #awarenessmatters

Bill Wolf,  Schaumburg Police Chief wearing an Elgin Police Department uniform (SOURCE: Linkedin)
Bill Wolf, Schaumburg Police Chief wearing an Elgin Police Department uniform (SOURCE: Linkedin).

Awareness matters in the Village of Schaumburg just like any other municipality. Most quality municipalities or county jurisdictions provide some details about serious crashes of this nature in a timely manner. As of 9:00 a.m. Saturday, February 1, 2025 (more than 12 hours after this serious crash), the Village of Schaumburg and the Schaumburg Police Department under the leadership of Police Chief Bill Wolf provided no information about this serious crash. The incident caused considerable concern for citizens of Schaumburg or visitors in Schaumburg.

Two sources that wish to remain unnamed have informed CARDINAL NEWS that Police Chief Bill Wolf is an advocate of encrypting FIRE EMS RESCUE communications in the Northwest Central Dispatch System 9-1-1 center, which would prevent news media, security personnel, and everyday citizens from being aware of incidents in the Village of Schaumburg. This would further give the Village of Schaumburg the ability to hide details of serious incidents, violent crimes, and other public safety incidents that involve injuries, fires, and other hazards. This is counter to Open Government, and can lead to corruption of awareness of the quality of life in Schaumburg. For more information, see Arlingtoncardinal.com/awarenessmatters …


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Wrecked black or charcoal gray Dodge Charger split in half by metal traffic pole (standard) at the northeast corner of Roselle Road and State Parkway in Schaumburg on Friday night, January 31, 2025 (CARDINAL NEWS)
Wrecked black or charcoal gray Dodge Charger split in half by metal traffic pole (standard) at the northeast corner of Roselle Road and State Parkway in Schaumburg on Friday night, January 31, 2025 (CARDINAL NEWS).

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