Stryker’s LIFEPAK 35 monitor/defibrillator in action … when a sudden cardiac arrest event occurs, timing is critical. The LIFEPAK 35 monitor/defibrillator helps emergency responders coordinate with hospital care teams (SOURCE: Stryker/The information in this video is intended solely for actual use of health care professionals). YouTube Tips ⓘ
The Village of Arlington Heights announced the introduction and use of new Stryker LIFEPAK 35 cardiac monitor defibrillators, and stated that the Arlington Heights Fire Department is “excited to be early adopters of the groundbreaking Stryker LIFEPAK 35 cardiac monitor, a game-changing advancement in prehospital care.” Initially, the cost to the Village of Arlington Heights for each LIFEPAK 35 is unknown, but a ballpark figure is $16,000. The weight of the LIFEPAK 35 (about 16 LBS) is about half the weight of the original monitor defibrillator, which weighed about 33 LBS, and was in use around 1970 when paramedic programs began.

The Arlington Heights Fire Department highlighted the benefits of cprINSIGHT capabilities, stating that a feature of the new equipment allows paramedics to determine whether a rhythm is shockable without interrupting CPR. In other words, the LIFEPAK 35 has a feature known as cprINSIGHT, which Styker claims is the only approved algorithm that identifies a rhythm requiring a shock while chest compressions are in progress. The cprINSIGHT analysis technology helps improve CPR performance, and hopefully effectiveness, by reducing pauses during chest compression activity. According to Stryker, pre-shock pauses were drastically reduced to an average of 8 seconds vs. an average of 22 seconds with a conventional AED. The CCF with cprINSIGHT was 86 percent vs. 80 percent in the conventional AED group.
CCF is the abbreviation for “Chest Compression Fraction,” which refers to the proportion of time spent performing chest compressions compared to other activities during a resuscitation effort. The proportion measures how much of the total CPR time, including evaluation, is dedicated to actively performing the chest compressions. A higher CCF ratio indicates fewer interruptions in compressions, which is considered optimal for better resuscitation outcomes.
The new LIFEPAK 35 equipment is already in use, according to the fire department announcement on the Village of Arlington Heights Facebook page.
Other Features
According to Stryker, the LIFEPAK 35 has a large, easy-to-use, high-resolution touchscreen that shows the heart rhythm and other physiological and advanced clinical-decision support tools.
The device can create a custom events list of up to 80 medications and/or treatments with custom-timed reminders for medications and therapies that are administered during cardiac care and resuscitation. There are also specific modes, such as pediatric, for quick administration for common specific categories of patients.
The device displays automated on-screen cardiac interval calculations with digital onscreen calipers that indicate the distance and regularity of wave peaks of the ECG (elctrocardiogram).
The device is capable of 12/15-lead ECG, which helps with specific diagnosis of cardiac issues — above and beyond simply determining whether the heart needs a shock or not.
The device has ports that permit the display of oxygen saturation of arterial blood (SpO2), blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. A port can also connect an external printer to the LIFEPAK 35.
LIFEPAK 35 Monitoring Parameters
SpO2, SPCO, SpMET, EtCO2, 12/15-lead, NIBP, Invasive pressure (3 ports) AND Temperature (3 ports)
SpO2 = oxygen saturation of arterial blood
SpCO = amount of carbon monoxide in a patient’s blood
SpMET = amount of methemoglobin in a patient’s blood
EtCO2 = amount of carbon dioxide in a person’s exhaled breath (End Tidal CO2)
NIBP = non-invasive blood pressure
ST Segment
The ST segment is a part of the ECG (electrocardiogram) that displays changes that are correlated with myocardial injury (heart muscle damage).
The device presents a new, enhanced view of ST segment measurements to aid in assessing the location and magnitude of ischemic ST segment changes (lack of blood flow changes). ST trend monitoring also provides an automated alert of clinically significant changes to help clinicians diagnose myocardial injury.

LIFEPAK devices were originally manufactured by Physio-Control, which was founded in 1955. Stryker Corporation (NYSE: SYK) announced on April 5, 2016, the completion of its previously announced acquisition of Physio-Control International, Inc. (Physio-Control). Physio-Control developed, manufactured, and marketed monitors/defibrillators, automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and CPR-assist devices along with data management and support services.
Currently, in addition to monitor/defibrillators, Stryker’s pre-hospital care category provides, AEDs, the LUCAS automated chest compression device, the McGRATH MAC video laryngoscope, pre-hospital data solutions, and emergency patient transport systems (ambulance gurneys).
The LifePak 33 was the first LifePak defibrillator and was the first truly portable and stand-alone defibrillator and integrated monitor, and weighed about 33 pounds. The monitor/defibrillator was standard issue in paramedic programs in the United States. The Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedic program began in December 1969. Seattle’s Medic 1 paramedic program began in 1970. The World Premiere of the television series Emergency! starring Randolph Mantooth as Paramedic Johnny Gage and Kevin Tighe as Paramedic Roy DeSoto was previewed in Los Angeles on December 14, 1971. The TV series ran from January 15, 1972 with 122 episodes until May 28, 1977.
A later version of the monitor/defibrillator was a streamlined and lighter Physio-Control LifePak 2.
The paramedic program in the northwest suburbs of Chicago began in December 1972. A Buffalo Grove Fire Department paramedic ambulance crew made the first emergency medical call via radio to the Northwest Community Hospital Emergency Room at 8:13 a.m. on December 1, 1972. The wife of a volunteer fireman had suffered an accidental overdose, and was transported to Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights via Buffalo Grove Fire Department’s paramedic ambulance. The ambulance was then known as an MICU or Mobile Intensive Care Unit. The call did not require use of a LifePak defibrillator, but the first EMS call in the northwest suburbs was considered a success with use of the cardiac monitor component.
The paramedic program in Illinois was founded primarily via the hard work of medical activists …
Inverness housewife, Janet L. Schwettman, and
Emergency Medicine Physician Stanley M. Zydlo, M.D.

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