Olympics Closing Ceremony: Tom Cruise Takes Olympic Flag to Los Angeles; Check Out Hollywood Sign

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Superstar actor and essentially “stunt man” Tom Cruise chose to accept his mission of transporting the Olympic flag from Paris to Los Angeles for the forthcoming 2028 Los Angeles Games. Tom Cruise, in Maverick (Top Gun)/Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible) style, repelled (abseiled) from the roof at Stade de France to a landing zone in the stadium during the Closing Ceremony of the Paris Olympics, Sunday, August 11, 2024.

The closing ceremony at the Stade de France involved the traditional parade of flags and athletes and the handover ceremony (Los Angeles 2028). The ceremony was officially titled “Records” involved over 100 performers, acrobats, dancers and circus artists, as well as about the 9,000 athletes that participated.

After Tom Cruise hit the landing zone on target, he greeted participants on the ground, accepted the Olympic flag, mounted it on a motorcycle, and rode the bike out of the stadium (like Maverick), traveled through Paris, and rode up the ramp of an awaiting cargo plane (like Ethan Hunt).

In this ending of the Tom Cruise segment, Cruise was broadcast in a pre-recorded video traveling on the motorcycle through Paris, and onto the Los Angeles area via cargo aircraft. At the destination, the Hollywood sign was shown doctored with the five Olympic rings over the double o’s of the word “HOLLYWOOD”.

According to Josh Abreu, in a post on X.com, the Hollywood Sign scene for the closing ceremony was filmed back in March 2024. The production crew had the fence blocked off and the crew told Abreu they were filming a mayonnaise commercial.

Josh Abreu was hiking on Mount Lee near Griffith Park and the Hollywood sign in the Santa Monica mountains, when he had a chance encounter with Tom Cruise and the film crew.

Abreu captured a photo of Tom Cruise standing on the frame of the Hollywood ‘W’ with a drone filming his performance.

Monday morning, August 12, 2024 people in the Los Angeles area posted images on X showing that the multi-colored Olympic rings are not physically present on the Hollywood sign. People described images with the Olympic rings on the Hollywood sign as fake (or at least “temporary” for entertainment purposes).

Tom Cruise speaking at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con International in San Diego, California (PHOTO CREDIT: Gage Skidmore/CC BY-SA 3.0)
Tom Cruise speaking at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con International in San Diego, California (PHOTO CREDIT: Gage Skidmore/CC BY-SA 3.0).



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