Police, Paramedics Find Disgusting Scene at Fight Call at Metra Train Station Downtown Arlington Heights

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A male adult hangs his had forward while sitting on a bench on surrounded by vomit on Platform 2 near the Metra train station on Wednesday night, April 17, 2024
A male adult hangs his head forward while sitting on a bench surrounded by vomit on Platform 2 near the Metra train station on Wednesday night, April 17, 2024.

Police, firefighters and paramedics from Arlington Heights responded about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, 2024 to a report of a fight, and police first on the scene requested paramedics respond to check for injuries and for a psychiatric evaluation.

Police, firefighters and paramedics discovered a male adult sitting on a bench near the Metra train station sitting in vomit with vomit on the bench and ground around him.

There was no EMS transport, and there were no known arrests. One fight suspect was reported to be a male/Hispanic wearing a white shirt, according to a witness. A suspect with that description was not on the scene when the last paramedic unit and CARDINAL NEWS arrived on the scene.

Metra police do not routinely clear the train platform of loiterers. The train platforms have increasingly been the scene of fights, disturbances, drug or alcohol-related incidents, and psychiatric emergencies.

A Metra document known as “Commuter Rail Station Guidelines and Standards appears to be useless at managing loitering at the train station.

Seating for platforms may be pressure-treated wood, concrete benches, or a special station design. To discourage loitering on platforms, the use of a backless seating unit is recommended. To discourage sleeping center armrests shall be installed.

— Metra

Looks fairly harmless on a Metra train station bench Thursday morning, but that is dried vomit from Wednesday night, April 17, 2024
Looks fairly harmless on a Metra train station bench Thursday morning, but that is dried vomit from Wednesday night, April 17, 2024.
Looks fairly harmless on a Metra train station bench and ground below Thursday morning, but that is dried vomit from Wednesday night, April 17, 2024
Looks fairly harmless on a Metra train station bench and ground below Thursday morning, but that is dried vomit from Wednesday night, April 17, 2024.
A male adult hangs his head forward while sitting on a bench surrounded by vomit on Platform 2 near the Metra train station on Wednesday night, April 17, 2024
A male adult hangs his head forward while sitting on a bench surrounded by vomit on Platform 2 near the Metra train station on Wednesday night, April 17, 2024.



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