Body Worn Camera (View Discretion/Language): Battery Arrests Mobil Gas Station Northwest Highway and Vail Ave Arlington Heights (SOURCE: Arlington Heights Police Department BodyCam). YouTube Tips ⓘ
Police, firefighters and paramedics from Arlington Heights responded about 9:54 p.m. Thursday, July 6, 2023 to a report that a male and female homeless couple attacked two males who arrived in a car at the Mobil gas station at 102 West Northwest Highway in Arlington Heights. Police would learn that two males and two females (each male/female couples in relationships) were already at the gas station and became involved in a 4-on-2 fight with the two males who arrived in a red Kia Forte. One of the couples are husband and wife. Two of the six people fighting, were taken into custody, and were the only two charged with Battery to Police and Obstructing Police.
Northwest Central Dispatch System 9-1-1 Center (NWCDS) advised incoming officers that at least six subjects had been involved in a physical altercation. The first police officer to arrive on the scene immediately requested additional units, and police officers were attempting to gain the compliancy of two of the involved parties, Princess Jackson and Michael Williams, who are apparently in a relationship.

With police on the scene, Princess Jackson began to re-engage with the members of the other party, and she was not compliant with police officer’s orders to desist. According to a police report, while Princess Jackson was arguing with police officers, Michael Williams walked closer to Jackson and began to interject with police officers. A police officer placed his right hand on Williams’ shoulder in an attempt to keep the parties separated. Williams responded by pushing the police officer away with his left arm.
In response to William’s aggressive physical action toward the police officer, the officer grabbed Williams’ left arm and pushed him away to separate himself from him. Williams was subsequently
escorted to the pavement where he was advised he was under arrest for battery to a police officer, according to the Arlington Heights Police Department report.
While being given simple verbal commands, Williams failed to comply with police officers and resisted arrest by intentionally keeping his arms in a position in which he attempted to prevent his arrest. Williams was taken into custody and placed into the prisoner compartment of a patrol vehicle.
Due to her role in obstructing Officers from continuing their investigation, Princess Jackson was also placed into custody and relocated to the prisoner compartment of a patrol vehicle.
While police officers were speaking to Jackson and Williams, a police officer relocated back towards the business and attempted to make contact with a bloodied subject, who sustained a laceration to his head and face. The victim with the lacerations told police that Williams had said “God Bless you” to two fellow patrons entering the business but was met with silence. The man told police this angered Williams who escalated the incident into a verbal argument inside the Mobil gas station store. After exiting, he said he and Williams were pepper sprayed in the face by the subjects. The victim’s account was interrupted as he was escorted to the ambulance, since he was in need of medical treatment. A police officer was then able speak with the victim’s wife, who told police that she attempted to help her husband as he was attacked by two other suspects.
With the witness accounts, and surveillance video from the gas station, police were able to determine what occurred in the disturbance.
Williams and the soon to be injured husband on scene with his wife were involved in a dispute with two men who arrived in a red Kia Forte. Williams was presumably pepper sprayed towards the south end of the parking lot and walked toward the gas pumps and lied down on the ground. The subjects in the red Kia Forte were seen on surveillance video engaging Princess Jackson as she is walking to check on Williams. One of the men from the red Kia Forte was holding a baton-style weapon in his left hand, and the other man from the red Kia Forte was pepper spraying the back of Jackson’s head while recording the incident with his cell phone.
According to police, it was at this time that both men from the red Kia Forte had time to separate themselves and leave the area, but chose to remain on the scene. These two men were subsequently charged with a local ordinance offense for fighting. While Williams was recovering from being pepper sprayed, a majority of the incident occurred out of view of the gas station surveillance camera.
Williams was observed reaching for an item out of view and throwing the item in the direction the men who arrived in the red Kia Forte. Williams retreated and then picked up a blue garbage container and again threw it in their direction. It was determined the garbage can struck the red Kia Forte and caused damage to the red Kia Forte (broke the passenger side mirror).
In the surveillance video (not published), the husband and one of the men from the red Kia Forte can then be seen fighting and falling to the ground. Prior to the fall, this man from the red Kia Forte had the baton in his hand. While on the ground, Princess Jackson can be seen striking the man with her fists. Mike Williams is able to gain control of the baton, and initiates several strikes at this man from the red Kia Forte. The other man from the red Kia Forte enters the scene and strikes Princess Jackson in the right side of her head with a roundhouse kick. He then retreats and continues to record the incident.
Gas station surveillance video (not shown) shows that the husband of the woman (seen talking to the police in the bodycam video) is on the ground holding one of the men from the red Kia Forte, while the wife and Princess Jackson are holding his arms (this captured on surveillance video, not bodycam video). On bodycam video, the wife told police her husband was held down by a man wearing a blue shirt (from the red Kia Forte). On captured on surveillance video, Williams again initiates several strikes to the head of the victim of the red Kia Forte before he is able to free himself from Mike Williams, Princess Jackson, and the wife (again, video surveillance not published in this article). At this point in time, Arlington Heights police officers began to arrive on scene.

Mike Williams was released from the hospital and transported back to the Arlington Heights Police Department and charged with Battery, Resisting a Peace Officer and Criminal Damage to Property. Williams was also issued a trespass warning from the business at the Mobil gas station. Williams was provided his paperwork and released via Recognizance Bond. Williams is scheduled to appear at the Rolling Meadows Courthouse on August 2nd, 2023 at 1330hrs,
Princess Jackson was released from the hospital later in the evening and transported back to the Arlington Heights Police Department and charged with Battery and Obstructing a Peace Officer. Jackson was issued a trespass warning from the business at the Mobil gas station. Jackson was provided her paperwork and released via Recognizance Bond. Jackson is schedule to appear at the Rolling Meadows Courthouse on August 2nd, 2023 at 1330hrs.
Four other individuals involved in the description of the fight and disturbance were charged with a Local Ordinance Violation for fighting. The husband and wife were also given an issuance of trespass from the Mobil gas station business.
According to multiple witnesses, who did not see the complete interaction, two young adult males were encountered by a male/black “homeless person” and a female/black “homeless person” at the front gas pump area of the Mobil gas station on the west side of the property. The two young males had arrived in a red Kia Forte when they were approached by the male/black and the male/female subjects. The nature of the discussion was unknown, but the encounter became heated when the male/black subject allegedly threw a gas station garbage can at the passenger side of the red Kia Forte, breaking the passenger side mirror.

One of the male victims in the Kia Forte called 9-1-1 and reported they were being harassed by the two homeless people — the male and female. One or both of the males may have been armed with pepper spray and an asp baton — a collapsible weapon manufactured by Armament Systems and Procedures, Inc. One of the males allegedly got out of the Kia Forte, and defended himself using pepper spray.
A witness reported that one of the males from the Kia struck the female/black in the head with a “roundhouse” kick. She was injured with a head injury and transported to a nearby hospital. There were apparently no life-threatening injuries. Up to four people may have been transported by paramedics, but the information has not been confirmed by police or the fire department.

The next witness accounts are contradictory. One witness reported to Cardinal News that the male/black overpowered the male from the Kia, and gained control of the ASP baton, and then beat the male from the Kia with the ASP baton. Another witness reported that the male from the Kia beat the male/black with the ASP.
Only one of the males initially from the Kia departed in the Kia — indicating that the other male may have been injured and transported by paramedics, unless he left with a family member or another friend.
According to a homeless person familiar with the male/black subject, police officers took the male/black into custody, and he was apparently not transported to the hospital. He was released during the early morning hours, according to the homeless person familiar with the subject. Initially, it is unknown if he was injured, or whether he faces any criminal charges.
Several witnesses saw the attack or saw the end of the attack, and a large group of teens gathered to watch the incident. There were at least two additional “homeless” people at the scene. One was extraordinarily excited and yelling something untrue about the incident being a “terrorist act.” About 13 police vehicles responded to the scene, and four ambulances were dispatched to the scene. Three Arlington Heights Fire Department ambulances were assigned to the scene, and one Mount Prospect Fire Department ambulance was assigned to the scene.
A witness familiar with the Mobil gas station and the downtown area, described the male/black and female/black subjects as “regulars” in the area that are seen frequently in the downtown area. A witness reported the two homeless subjects have a history of becoming agitated and accosting people who don’t provide them with money when they ask for money.
Police cleared the scene by about 1:00 a.m. Friday, July 7, 2023 after taking photographs and gathering evidence. From observations of the investigation, there was no indication that a major crime occurred that involved critical injuries. The Mobil gas station has security cameras, but it is initially unknown whether the entire interaction was captured on video.

The fire department was assigned to the scene to wash down a significant amount of blood that was located on the pavement on the west side of the gas station bay. There was also a significant amount of garbage strewn across the property from the thrown garbage can.
The information in this article is an early report published before any summary information was confirmed or released by police or fire authorities.

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