Firefighters and paramedics from Palatine Fire Department and Cook County Sheriff’s deputies responded about 5:56 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, 2023 to a report of a garage fire in the block of 600 West Hill Road — just southeast of the intersection of Dundee Road and Quentin Road in Palatine. The first Palatine Fire Department unit arrived three minutes after the initial alarm and reported smoke and fire coming from the attached garage. The alarm was upgraded to a structure fire response while en route due to the large amounts of smoke in the sky.
The initial fire crews deployed two hose lines to the exterior of the house and another hose line to the interior for fire extinguishment. Other crews used thermal imaging cameras to check for victims. One resident was found on the second floor of the home and was safely removed. There was extensive fire damage to the garage that extended into the first and second floors of the house. The fire was declared under control at 6:19 p.m. Crews performed salvage to protect items on the first floor from further damage and overhauled void spaces to expose any hidden fire.
No firefighters were injured during this incident. One civilian was treated on the scene and released.
Damage estimates were not initially available, according to Palatine Fire Department.
Palatine Fire Department investigators have determined the fire to be accidental and was caused by improper disposal of smoking materials in the garage.
The fire was fought by twenty-two firefighters, staffing four engines, one ladder truck, one rescue squad, and three ambulances, which responded to the scene along with four command officers. The Inverness Fire Protection District responded with an ambulance to the scene as part of an automatic aid agreement.
During the incident, a Village of Barrington ambulance stood by at Palatine Fire Station 82 to provide coverage for any additional calls. Cook County Sherrif’s officers assisted at the scene with traffic and crowd control.
The Palatine Fire Department reminds everyone to have working smoke alarms in their homes, whether it is a single-family dwelling, an apartment, or a condo. This home had working smoke alarms that alerted the residents of this fire.
For more fire safety tips visit palatine.il.us/796/Community-Risk-Reduction and

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