A large Gatwood crane is in place in the northbound lane of Vail Avenue just north of Sigwalt Street in front of Dunton Tower, 55 South Vail Avenue in Arlington Heights, Monday morning, February 27, 2023. Signs placed locally alert motorists that Vail Avenue is down to a single lane.
According to the Village of Arlington Heights, Vail Avenue will require a temporary lane closure, north of Sigwalt, on Monday, February 27, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., due to a crane performing work on an adjacent rooftop. Flaggers will be directing vehicles, and traffic may experience congestion. Please navigate the area with extreme caution.
Vail Ave. will require a temporary lane closure, north of Sigwalt, on Mon., Feb. 27, 7 am- 12 pm, due to a crane performing work on an adjacent rooftop. Flaggers will be directing vehicles, and traffic may experience congestion. Please navigate the area with extreme caution. pic.twitter.com/zlWokNpBAq
— ArlingtonHeightsIL (@ArlingtonHtsGov) February 24, 2023
Early Monday, that adjacent rooftop appears to be Dunton Tower Apartments, a 15-story mid-rise residential building in downtown Arlington Heights. The Village of Arlington Heights alert does not mention a sidewalk closure, but the sidewalk directly in front of Dunton Tower on the east side of Vail Avenue is also closed temporarily to pedestrian traffic. The front entrance to Dunton Tower at ground level is also likely closed to pedestrian traffic.

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