Smash and Grab jewelry store robbery on Dunton Avenue in Arlington Heights, Wednesday, January 25, 2023. YouTube Tips ⓘ
Some details of the robbery at Persin Robbin Jewelers last week have been released, but from the police perspective, there is a need to prevent release of information that would jeopardize or interfere with the active investigation, according to Arlington Heights Police Chief Nick Pecora. There is also caution on the part of police to avoid providing insightful elements that would inspire a copycat crime.
The robbery on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 resulted in a significant loss to the business.
Three offenders are believed to have been involved in the robbery. According to police, a dark-skinned female was allowed remote entry through a controlled access door. Once the door was opened, two dark skinned males, waiting nearby, followed the female into the jewelry store before the door was closed and secured. The female was wearing a COVID-19 type mask and the males were wearing darked colored hoodies with unknown type face coverings.
No firearms were displayed or implied. The offenders used a handheld implement to shatter display cases. The police department released that the offenders were in the store for a very limited amount of time — possibly as little as one minute.
The offenders fled in a black 2021 Honda Accord sedan with Florida license plates, and abandoned the vehicle near the address of 122 South Vail Avenue just south of the scene. The location is one block west and about one block south of the Persin and Robbin Jewelers location. The vehicle was recovered by police investigators, and was processed for physical evidence.
Arlington Heights police responded about 1:25 PM Wednesday January 25, 2023 to an armed robbery at Persin and Robbin Jewelers, 24 South Dunton Avenue Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that a robbery just occurred, and responded to investigate and search the neighborhood. The three offenders were gone when police arrived. Police initially would only confirm that a robbery occurred at about 1:26 p.m., but did not release any information about the offender(s), including the number of offenders.
Police also did not initially release whether any weapons were displayed, but the crime is expected to be considered an armed robbery because the tools used to smash the jewelry display cases can be associated with the threat of force.
From the view looking into the store from outside, it appeared that one row of cases from the front of the store to the back of the store was damaged, and that merchandise was taken from within the cases where product stands remained.
Among the people at nearby businesses who were asked if they saw anything suspicious, people in one business said they heard pounding, but did not hear any glass breaking. Nobody among the few people available in businesses nearby reported seeing anything suspicious.
LIVE TRAFFIC MAP of neighborhood of the incident near 24 South Dunton Avenue Arlington Heights, IL …
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