Dumpster fire next to a Hancock Square apartment building at Dunton Avenue and Miner Street Arlington Heights. YouTube Tips ⓘ
Arlington Heights firefighters responded this past weekend to a campfire built by teens on the top of a parking garage, a dumpster fire next to an apartment building, and an apparent arson fire involving a Porta Potty.
First Arlington Heights firefighters and police responded about 9:23 p.m. Friday, April 17, 2022 to a report that a group of teens set up a campfire at the top of the parking garage at 22 South Vail Avenue in Arlington Heights. No injuries were reported. Initially it was unknown whether police were able to discuss the issue with the group, which was described as five teens about 15 years-old.

Next, Arlington Heights firefighters responded about 10:24 p.m. Friday, April 17, 2022 to a report that a dumpster was on fire about four feet from the Hancock Square apartment building at 299 North Dunton Avenue. Access to the dumpster was off of Miner Street. The fire was extinguish in about 15 minutes. There did not appear to be any damage to the 7-story apartment building, and no injuries were reported.
Arlington Heights firefighters also responded about 10:06 Saturday, April 16, 2022 to a fire involving a Porta Potty on the St. Peter Church property near the intersection of Highland Avenue and Oakton Street. The fire destroyed a Porta Potty that had been positioned under a tree. No injuries were reported. The fire was apparently intentionally set.

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