A thunderstorm that passed through Arlington Heights about 6:45 a.m. Tuesday, February 22, 2022 dumped rain and hail in an area concentrated between Wilke Road and Windsor Drive and between Dundee Road and Hintz Road.
Piles of 1/8-inch diameter hail appeared near Edgar A Poe Elementary School and southeast near Camelot Park. An area of hail appeared with a clear demarcation on Arlington Heights Road just south of Hintz Road — about near Suffield Drive. Water runoff in gutters may have caused piles of hail to collect near catch basins.
Near Camelot Park on Suffield Drive there was a clear demarcation where where hail began collecting on the street with tire tracks showing in the hail. Tires made a crunchy, scraping noise as vehicle passed over the hail.

Lake Arlington had no sign of any hail. Graupel may have fallen in other areas of Arlington Heights further south. Graupel is softer and smaller than most hail, and looks more like powdered sugar.

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