DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin and Wood Dale Chief of Police Greg Vesta announced that an Indian Trail Middle School student has been accused of posting a threatening message on social media directed at Wood Dale Junior High School in Wood Dale. The juvenile, who lives in Addison, appeared at a detention hearing last Friday where Judge Anthony Coco ordered that he be detained. He has been charged with one count of Disorderly Conduct, a Class 4 Felony.
Allegedly on Thursday, December 9, 2021, the juvenile, who is 12 years-old, posted a message on social media that read “(Expletive) school I didn’t go im already planning to the drive by.” Once alerted to the threat, the Wood Dale Police Department identified the juvenile as a suspect. He was taken into custody later that day without incident from his home.
“So far, in 2021, there have been fifteen threats directed at DuPage County Schools. In addition to disturbing the school day, these threats cause fear and anxiety not just to those at the school, but to the entire community. I want to remind and encourage students, staff and parents as well, if you see something, say something. As I have said in the past, these threats must stop and any threat of violence aimed at a school will immediately be investigated and, if found credible, will be charged accordingly. I commend the Wood Dale Police Department for their quick response and apprehension of the suspect in this case as well as authorities at the Wood Dale School District for alerting law enforcement to this incident. I also thank Assistant State’s Attorney Jennifer Lindt for her work in helping us keep our schools as safe as possible.”
— DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin
“The safety of our students, teachers and the community is our highest priority, and we will continue to take any direct or implied threats of harm seriously. Regardless of the intent behind these threats, we will use every resource to ensure those that bring this fear to our community are held accountable. I appreciate our excellent working relationship with the Wood Dale School District to prioritize the safety of our students.”
— Wood Dale Chief of Police Greg Vesta
The Juvenile’s next court appearance is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15, 2021, for a status hearing. A bench trial has been scheduled for January 5, 2022, in front of Judge Coco.
Members of the public are reminded that this complaint contains only charges and is not proof of the defendant’s guilt. A defendant is presumed innocent and is entitled to a fair trial in which it is the government’s burden to prove his or her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
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