WGN SKYCAM9 news helicopter hovering over Arlington Heights Road after circling Christian Liberty Academy on Tuesday morning after rush hour. YouTube Tips ⓘ
WGN SKYCAM9 flew a circle around Christian Liberty Academy near Euclid Avenue and Ridge Avenue in Arlington Heights about an hour after covering a crash on the outbound Dan Ryan Expressway at 47th Street during the morning rush hour Tuesday, Augusts 31, 2021. After flying a circle around Christian Liberty Academy, the SKYCAM9 crew hovered north and east of the school over Arlington Heights Road.
Then during the evening rush hour Tuesday, ABC 7 Chicago’s Chopper 7 HD hovered over Christian Liberty Academy.
The news crews were likely checking on Christian Liberty Academy’s campus after news that the private school was given an “Non-recognized status” by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) for not complying with the Mask Requirement which the State of Illinois claims helps protect children against the spread of COVID-19. The ISBE sets educational policies and guidelines for public and private schools, preschool through grade 12, and listed Christian Liberty Academy as “Non-recognized” on Thursday, August 26, 2021.
The news crews may have also been checking on the status of the Arlington Heights Road construction project while they were in the area.
News helicopters hovering any area usually cause concern, especially when the reason is unknown. CARDINAL NEWS usually gets a few tips or inquiries when news helicopters are hovering overhead.
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