Suspicious couple just before walking up driveway at 11:44 p.m. Tuesday, August 17, 2021 on Haddow Avenue just north of Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights. YouTube Tips ⓘ
Arlington Heights police received a report about 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, August 17, 2021 that a suspicious couple walked up a long driveway where two vehicles were parked behind a house in the block of 600 North Haddow Avenue in Arlington Heights. The couple left the driveway a few seconds later and walked southbound on Haddow Avenue toward Euclid Avenue.
A submitted security video captured an image of the couple walking by another house seconds earlier, just before they took the walk up the driveway of the neighbor’s in darkness just before midnight Tuesday/Wednesday.
The security video shows the couple walking eastbound on Hawthorne Street and then southbound on Haddow Avenue at about 11:44 p.m. Tuesday. The resident reports that at the same time the couple walked by, the resident’s vehicle was parked on the resident’s driveway with a door open and a dome light on in the vehicle. The resident was emptying packages from the vehicle, and returned to the vehicle for a second trip when the couple was observed walking east on Hawthorne Street.
The video shows the couple, walking together, make an abrupt right turn just before the resident exited the house to the driveway. A squeaky door can be heard closing as the resident walks to the driveway. The resident would have been visible to the couple just before they made the abrupt right turn, and just before the squeaky door noise.
The male walking appears to see the resident first before the female (before the door squeak) and makes an abrupt right, almost tripping up the female, who is later following the male. The male also appears to communicate to the female, turning his head toward her.
As the couple walks southbound into the dark shadows, the male speeds up and walks ahead of the female, as they both accelerate their walking speed southbound on Haddow Avenue. Seconds later (not on video) the couple would walk up the long driveway on the west side of Haddow Avenue and return to the street.
The resident thought a few seconds about the couple’s actions, and then walked to the front yard to see where the couple was walking. That’s when the resident noticed that the couple walked up a driveway in the middle of the block on the west side of Haddow Avenue; and then walked down the driveway back to the street a few seconds later.
The resident waited a bit and then took a drive to see if there was anything else suspicious about the couple, but by 11:55 p.m. the couple was no longer visible on any nearby streets. The resident did not recognize the couple as living on Haddow Avenue, and the resident called a person connected to the house where the couple walked up the driveway, and learned that there were no expected visitors at that house.
The resident then called 9-1-1 and asked the 9-1-1 center to dispatch the police to check the neighborhood for the couple described. The couple is described as a male/white and a female/white. The male is about 6’1″ wearing a dark shirt and white shorts, and the female is described as about 5’6″ or 5’7″ with yellow blonde mid-length hair.
The police patrolled the streets a short time later, but initially there is no information that the couple was found or contacted by police officers.
A higher quality video of the area is not published since there were no known arrests, and in case the recognizable couple was just going for an innocent late night walk, and had a non-criminal reason for walking up the neighbor’s driveway.
CARDINAL NEWS recommends anyone with residential security cameras in the neighborhood northeast of the intersection of Euclid Avenue and Arlington Heights Road check their recordings around 11:15 p.m. Tuesday to 12:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 18, 2021. Residents south of Euclid Avenue might want to check their recordings after 11:45 p.m. until about 12:30 a.m. CARDINAL NEWS recommends residents be on the lookout to check to see if the couple walked up any other driveways in the neighborhood. If the residents find any suspicious video images, they are advised to save the video clip and report and submit the video clip to the Arlington Heights Police Department.

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