Buffalo Grove police responded about 5:40 p.m. Monday, February 1, 2021 to a report of an armed robbery at the AT&T store at 55 North McHenry Road. Police on arrival discovered an employee restrained with plastic ties in the restroom. The employee initially reported no injuries.
The AT&T store video surveillance system captured images of the offender entering the store with what appeared to be a handgun and leaving with an estimated $57,000 in merchandise, according to Buffalo Grove Police.
Evidence obtained led to a successful investigation with Chicago police locating the suspect in the Buffalo Grove robbery near the block of 400 East 103rd Street in Chicago. The male suspect, identified as 37-year-old Marcus Scott of Chicago, was found with a handgun and charged with unlawful use of weapon by a felon.
All store merchandise taken in the robbery at the Buffalo Grove AT&T store was recovered according to the Buffalo Grove Police Department.
The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office approved a felony warrant charging Marcus Scott with armed robbery and aggravated unlawful restraint. Marcus Scott was book on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, and held in the Cook County Jail Division 15 Hospital housing location. Marcus Scott will be held in the Lake County jail on $500,000 bail after Buffalo Grove police serve the warrant, and when Marcus Scott is transferred from Chicago Police, Cook County custody.

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