Protesters marched with flares and threw firecrackers at the police as they pushed protesters back.
On Monday, November 30, 2020 the French government announced that they would rewrite Article 24 of the Global Security Bill; the provision that restricts the filming of police officers. The reversal followed weeks of protests, but protests continued almost a week later.
The Global Security Bill is a French bill by La République en Marche (LREM) deputies Alice Thourot (Drôme) and Jean-Michel Fauvergue (Seine-et-Marne, former boss of the RAID) entered in the National Assembly on October 20, 2020. The promotes the strengthening of the powers of the municipal police, access to images from pedestrian cameras, the capture of images by drones, and the dissemination of the images of police officers.
RAID (Recherche, Assistance, Intervention, Dissuasion “Search, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence”) is an elite tactical unit of the French National Police with headquarters in Bièvres, Essonne, approximately 12 miles southwest of Paris.
GIGN (Groupe d’intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale “National Gendarmerie Intervention Group”) is the elite police tactical unit of the French National Gendarmerie. Its missions include counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, surveillance of national threats, protection of government officials, and targeting organized crime. French National Gendarmerie were visible in high numbers amongst the crowd in the protest in Paris, but it was not confirmed whether GIGN was assigned at the protest.
The National Police with primary jurisdiction in cities and large towns, and the National Gendarmerie with primary jurisdiction in smaller town and rural and border area are two national police forces in France.
The law proposed by the French government and the main police unions is the subject of very strong opposition from news media companies, national and international civil rights-related public bodies, associations for the defense of public freedoms, and individual citizens.
Regarding the interpretation of the law there is some confusion whether the law broadly prohibits dissemination of all images of police officers including their faces, or requires blurring of faces of police officers on images shared on social media that are associated with calls for violence against police officers.
Police used tear gas to disperse demonstrators who started fires in the street during latest round of protests in Paris on Saturday against the so-called ‘Global Security’ bill passed by the French National Assembly.
Cars were set on fire and fireworks flew across the streets of Paris as a massive protest against the so-called ‘Global Security’ bill passed by the French National Assembly turned violent on Saturday.
Arrests made as protesters smash bank building and throw documents out of windows during the security bill protest in Paris.
French police use water cannons atop a white
Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS) truck with a plow blade at Place de la République in Paris as they disperse the last participants in a demonstration against the global security law.
The Compagnies républicaines de sécurité (Republican Security Companies), abbreviated CRS, is the general reserve unit of the French National Police. CRS are primarily deployed in general security missions but are known for crowd and riot control (AFP News Agency).
Violent confrontation at Paris’ Place de la République where the police usedtear gas to attempt to disperse the remaining protesters in a demonstration against a new security law (AFP News Agency).
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