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Therefore, Cardinal News has posted the video on a separate website. As a courtesy to a wide range of readers, photos or video that might be disturbing to some readers are published on a separate documentary website — | VIDEO: Outline of Kyle Rittenhouse Defense During Kenosha Riot Night 3 by FightBack Legal Defense …
The legal defense team for Kyle Rittenhouse — the 17-year-old accused of shooting three rioters on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 about 11:45 p.m. near 63rd Street and Sheridan Road in Kenosha — created a video that compiles a variety of scenes of rioting in Kenosha in late August 2020. The video, titled “The Truth in 11 Minutes” focuses on the scenes surround the shooting of three male rioters in Kenosha, and claims to show facts that support the existence of self-defense actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, who …
(1) shot, and may or may not have killed one male who was pursuing him with a mob following while other shots were fired in his vicinity,
(2) shot and missed a male who kicked him in the head after he had fallen in the street,
(3) shot and killed a male who had just hit him with the sharp edge of a skateboard, and
(4) shot another male in the biceps, who was approaching him with a handgun.
Rittenhouse is charged with 6 counts, including First Degree Intentional Homicide, Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide, Reckless Endangering Safety (Use of a Dangerous Weapon), and Possession of a Dangerous Weapon by a Person Under 18.
Outline of Items of Night 3 Riot Released by FIGHT BACK video “The Truth in 11 Minutes” …
The video with narration shows …
In Kenosha in late August 2020, several armed protesters and rioters were among the crowd. The armed ‘Guard’ group, including Kyle Rittenhouse, that defined themselves as citizens protecting property in Kenosha and providing aid to injured people, were not the only people armed at the riot.
During the early hours of Night 3, protesters and guards were in solidarity.
Protesters/rioters began setting fires.
A flaming dumpster was pushed toward a gas station.
A Guard quickly extinguished the flames, angering fire starter and shooting victim #1 Joseph Rosenbaum, age 36, who is heard saying to the Guard group, “Shoot me nigga!”
Note: Joseph Rosenbaum is/was a Registered Sex Offender, convicted of sexual misconduct with a minor and crimes against children. The State of Wisconsin removed his sex offender registry entry shortly after he was killed.
In a group confrontation, Rosenbaum focused his rage on a Guard wearing a green T-shirt with some similarity in appearance to Kyle Rittenhouse.
Moments later just down the street, Joseph Rosenbaum is seen starting more fires. Around the same time, Kyle Rittenhouse is seen running with a fire extinguisher toward fires set.
A short time later, Joseph Rosenbaum is seen chasing Kyle Rittenhouse, and #FightBack highlights that the reason for the chase is unknown, but that Kyle Rittenhouse has similar appearance to another ‘Guard’ that was in verbal altercation with Joseph Rosenbaum earlier. Rosenbaum also throws a plastic bag with contents at Rittenhouse.
During the foot pursuit, a single gunshot is fired by a protester identified as Alexander Blaine. The shot from Blaine’s gun is detected by a muzzle flash, according to #FlashBack. The shot appears to be within 50 yards of the scene where Rittenhouse was being chased by Rosenbaum. At this time Rittenhouse becomes pinned or obstructed from fleeing from Rosenbaum by parked cars and the building associated with the lot he was running through.
Note: Alexander Blaine, age 44, is profiled as a Sin City Disciples Gang Member, and an amateur porn actor, according to #FightBack. He has not been charged with Reckless Endangerment or Unlawful Use of Weapon. The motorcycle group may also be spelled Sin City Desciples (sic).
Several other rioters, armed with bats, sticks and pipes, were further behind Rosenbaum, also in pursuit of Rittenhouse. The second wave pursuing formed a human barricade around the parking lot.
Daily Caller reporter and Chief Video Director Richard McGinniss was also in close pursuit behind Rosenbaum, capturing the foot chase on cell phone video.
With no quick escape route and the source of the gunshot unknown to Rittenhouse, he decided to confront his pursuer, Joe Rosenbaum, according to #FightBack.
Joe Rosenbaum lunged toward the barrel of the rifle, and Kyle Rittenhouse fired four shots. Seconds later, three shots were fired from an unknown shooter.
One bullet grazed Joseph Rosenbaum’s head near the right temple. Other gunshot wounds were located in his right groin area, his left thigh, and his back. People who came to the aid of Rosenbaum incorrectly focused on the head graze wound and inadvertently obstructed his airway and breathing by pulling his T-shirt over his mouth and face.
In the time frame of Rosenbaum’s shooting death a total of eight shots were fired — one by Alexander Blaine, four by Kyle Rittenhouse, and three by an unknown shooter.
Currently it is uncertain whether Rosenbaum’s wounds were caused by all or any of the shots fired by Rittenhouse; or whether any of the fatal wound(s) were caused by Rittenhouse. Autopsy results regarding the death of Rosenbaum are either ineffective, inconclusive or unreleased.
Rittenhouse returned to the scene and placed a call for help, but the mob started calling out to “Get him.” Rittenhouse house fled the scene, and he is heard on a cellphone stating, “I just shot somebody.” While fleeing Rittenhouse also said, “I had to shoot him.”
The compiled video from FightBack flashes back to other violent rioting scenes in the United States and asks, “Did Rittenhouse have reason to believe his life was in danger?”
While Rittenhouse is running northbound on Sheridan Road, a male voice yelled, “Cranium that boy, he just shot a man!” The narrator in the #FightBack video describes ‘cranium’ in this context as a call for someone to take out Rittenhouse with a head shot.
Another male voice asked Rittenhouse, “What are you doing? … You shot somebody?” Rittenhouse replied, “I’m going to get the police.”
An unidentified protester pursued Rittenhouse from behind, and struck Rittenhouse in the head, knocking his hat off. Rittenhouse then tripped and fell to the ground. Another protester sent a flying kick to the head and shoulder area of Kyle Rittenhouse, who then fired two shots in the direction of the kicker, and missed.
Another protester, identified as Anthony Huber, struck Rittenhouse in the back of the head with the sharp edge of a skateboard and reached for Rittenhouse’s rifle. Rittenhouse fired a single shot at Anthony Huber, who struck in the chest. The video exhibits: Anthony Huber runs a few steps, clutches his chest, and falls dead.
Note: Anthony Huber, age 26, has a criminal history including conviction for Domestic Abuse, Use of a Dangerous Weapon, Battery, Strangulation and Suffocation, and 2nd Degree Reckless Endangerment, according to FightBack. Several media sources have published reports of friends calling Anthony Huber a hero for attempting to disarm Rittenhouse.
A third rioter, identified as Gaige Grosskreutz and described as a medic wearing a “Paramedic” baseball style cap, approached Rittenhouse faking a surrender — but was armed with a handgun. Grosskreutz suddenly charged forward toward Rittenhouse. Gaige Grosskreutz was struck by a single rifle shot to his right elbow and right biceps anatomical area and suffered a horrific disabling gunshot wound that almost caused the loss of his arm.
Note: Gaige Grosskreutz, age 27, has a criminal history of Possession of a Firearm While Intoxicated, according to the #FightBack legal team.
A friend of Gaige Grosskreutz made a statement that shows possible intent to kill Kyle Rittenhouse by Grosskreutz. Jacob Marshall posted on social media, quoting Gaige Grosskreutz, “So the kid shot gaige as he drew his weapon and gaige retreated with his gun in hand. I just talked to Gaige Grosskreutz toohis (sic) only regret was not killing the kid and hesitating to pull the gun before emptying the entire mag into him. Coward”
According to #FightBack, when a fourth protester raised his arms in surrender, “Rittenhouse exhibits remarkable judgment by not firing his weapon.”
As Rittenhouse got up from the street and moved toward the direction where he knows police were staging, multiple shots were fired from unknown source(s), as heard on video.
Rittenhouse attempted to turn himself to police approaching the shooting scenes from the police staging area. Police were unaware he was involved in the shooting, and was ordered by police to get out of the way and get out of the road. FightBack states that for his safety, Kyle Rittenhouse left the area and surrendered peacefully the following day. He surrendered at the Antioch, Illinois police station.
According to the FightBack legal defense team, U.S. media was quick to label Kyle Rittenhouse as a far right radical, a vigilante, a militia member, and a white supremacist. Incidentally, one of the shooting victims from August 25, 2020 are known to be black. The FightBack legal defense team claims that to date, no evidence supports these claims.
FightBack Foundation, Inc. d/b/a “#FightBack” is a Texas 501(c)(4) not-for-profit organization established to promote social welfare through advocacy for and just treatment of people and organizations with respect to their civil and constitutional rights.
#FightBack has created a Defense Fund for Kyle Rittenhouse with a goal of $5,000,000. As of Tuesday September 22, 2020, the funds were at about 33% of the goal amount of $5,000,000.
❝ We stand ready to protect and defend the constitutional rights, livelihoods and property of people and businesses that are being targeted and destroyed. We stand for the forgotten American – those who are silenced and intimidated.❞
— #FightBack
The Chairman of the Board and CEO of #FIGHTBACK is L. Lin Wood. Among other case involvement, L. Lin Wood is the lead civil attorney for then Nicholas Sandmann in matters arising out of false and defamatory reporting by the media in connection with the incident involving then high school student Nicholas Sandmann occurring January 2019 at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial outside the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This representation includes defamation claims against CNN, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, Rolling Stone, Gannett, the New York Times and Twitter.
Specific national media and local media have not been identified as potential targets of defamation lawsuits on the official website for #FightBack — Comparisons are being drawn highlighting the similarities of media defamation of Nicholas Sandmann and media defamation of Kyle Rittenhouse.
At least one Chicago TV news station reporter described Kyle Rittenhouse as sitting in the street and shooting at protesters passing him. Initially it is unknown whether that television station will be a target of the defamation lawsuit by L. Lin Wood and #FIGHTBACK.
CARDINAL NEWS | Three People Shot, 2 Die at 63rd St and Sheridan Rd in Kenosha Riot
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