Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd on Wednesday announced the arrest of three suspects in the shooting deaths of three friends near Frostproof, Florida on Friday night.
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd announced Wednesday July 22, 2020 the arrest of suspects Tony “T.J.” Wiggins, 26; his girlfriend Mary Whittemore, 27; and Wiggins’ brother William “Robert” Wiggins, 21. Tony Wiggins, known as “T.J.” was discovered to be the suspect shooter.
At age 26 T.J. has 230 felony charges in his arrest history with 15 conviction, and two incarceration periods in prison.
Mary Whittemore had no criminal history.
William “Robert” Wiggins had no arrest history.
Hundreds of local tips told investigators to look up T.J. Wiggins.
Sheriff Grady Judd held a 36-minute press conference and explained the timeline of what occurred before, during, and after the crime.
The victims were beaten and shot to death as they were heading to go fishing at Lake Streety near Frostproof, according to Sheriff Grady Judd. The victims’ names are Damion Tillman, 23, Keven Springfield, 30, and Brandon Rollins, 27.
TJ Wiggins was charged with three counts of First Degree Murder.
Robert Wiggins was charged with three counts of Accessory to Murder and one count of Tampering with Evidence
Mary Whitemore was charged with three counts of Accessory to Murder and one count of Tampering with Evidence.

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