Minneapolis 3rd District Police Station Abandoned By Police, Set on Fire By Protesters

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The MPD 3rd Precinct went up in flames on Thursday amid protests against the death of George Floyd, who died after a MPD officer held a knee against his neck for minutes on end. WCCO 4 News – May 28, 2020

During the third night of protests in Minneapolis on Thursday May 28, 2020 after George Floyd was killed by police on Monday May 25, 2020, the Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct, 3000 Minnehaha Avenue, was vacated by police officers. Minutes later a fire at the police station burned out of control with no firefighters dispatched to the scene. Rocks and a variety of projectiles were thrown at firefighters attempting to extinguish fires.

The police station fire was part of a second night of arson and looting to affect buildings near Lake Street and Minnehaha Avenue. The violence is reported to have spread over about a three mile area.

Minneapolis Fire Chief John Freutel said that on Friday, May 29, 2020, there are plans in effect that the National Guard will create security perimeters at fire scenes where the National Guard will be assigned to secure the perimeter as firefighters work to extinguish the fire at the fire scene. The fire department has the authority to determine whether the fire scene has a secure perimeter, and whether to fight the fire or leave the area.

The Minnesota National Guard announced about 40 minutes later that 500 soldiers are heading to Minneapolis, St. Paul and surrounding suburbs to “protect life, preserve property and the right to peacefully demonstrate,” Frank Vascellaro, Amelia Santaniello, and David Schuman report (CBS Minnesota/WCCO).

Minneapolis Fire Chief John Freutel shared where the city’s containment efforts stand after midnight on a long night of fires in Minneapolis (CBS Minnesota/WCCO).

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