Two female suspects from Aurora are held in Kane County jail on $100,000 bail each after being accused of kidnapping a woman at knife point and beating her.
Esther J. Ortiz, 55, and Angela J. Raices, 43, both of Aurora, also each face a charge of attempted first-degree murder in connection with an alleged attack on February 25, 2020, accused of battering the 48-year-old victim from Aurora with their fists and a dangerous weapon, according to Kane County court records.
Ortiz, jailed since Sunday, March 1, 2020 and Raices, jailed since Sunday, February 29, 2020 also are charged with felony aggravated kidnapping with a deadly weapon, felony aggravated kidnapping causing great bodily harm and two counts of felony aggravated battery.
Information about the location of the crime was not initially available to the public.
The most severe charges of aggravated kidnapping and attempted murder carry prison terms of six to 30 years with no chance of probation.
Raices is scheduled for court Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 9:03 a.m.
Ortiz, who was free on bond on a felony case of possession of a controlled substance after a July 2019 arrest, is scheduled for court Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 9:03 a.m.
According to court records, Ortiz was sentenced three years in prison after pleading guilty to an arrest in 1985 for possessing 15 grams of heroin.

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