Captured live stream of Trump “Keep America Great Rally” as Trump talks impeachment, and polls the crowd on whether the KAG slogan should replace MAGA.
Notable YouTube comments in favor of Trump …
“Nothing destroys a city faster than liberal politicians and Affirmative Action.”
“I’m from Ohio and he has my vote again. The democratic party is about as anti America, anti God as possible. Blinded by their own hate, ignorance and greed they would destroy our nation just to get rid of a president they disagree with.”
“Best president ever! Thank you for stopping the tax on people who cannot afford health insurance. I used to cry when some workers in the company I worked for told me they had to make a choice between putting food on the table and buying health insurance. Many chose to forego buying the health insurance and instead paid the non-coverage tax which was less expensive. It was painful to listening to them. How could our corrupt politicians make millions and millions of dollars of ill gotten wealth while the rest of humanity are barely making it?”
“I’ve followed rise & rise of Mr Trump from 2015 onwards and must say that for all his human imperfections, he is a perfect response against fake news and leftist propaganda across the world. He is the most nationalistic president i have seen in last few decades. I love this man. Anurag from India”
“Makes me want to be an American. Only country with true freedom. Can’t believe you have people like your Dems undermining your Country.”
Notable YouTube comments against Trump …
“Who is this guy?
What a terrible wig!
He sounds completely crazy!
Who are these sheep cheering him on?”
If you can’t see the con then your the mark
Trump treats his followers like fools (they are)”
“MOSCOW MITCH and COMRADE DON MUST be ELIMINATED for the SAFETY of all Americans and their allies.”
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