Arlington Heights police received a report about 6:40 PM Sunday November 17, 2019 of retail theft at Mariano’s at 802 East Northwest Highway Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender took a bottle of liquor and left the store without paying for the product.
Police caught up with the male adult suspect while he was walking northbound on a sidewalk on Hickory Avenue just north of Kensington Road. The suspect was arrested and transported in custody to Arlington Heights Police Department headquarters.
It’s always ordered by the d-bags at the bar.
You know who I’m talking about: the bros with popped-collar Polos and gingham button-ups, finance guys who always cut you but somehow touch your lower back while doing it, sorority girls and college freshmen (with fake IDs, obviously) looking to get plastered on a Thursday night, juice heads bragging about how much they can lift.
Police returned the unopened product, and store management was deciding whether they would return the product to the shelf or discard the product. The product appeared to be a bottle of FIREBALL Cinnamon Whisky by the Sazerac Company with headquarters in Metairie, Louisiana near New Orleans.
It was initially unknown whether the suspect was a repeat offender.
The crime is reported to have occurred about 6:35 p.m. to 6:40 p.m.
More Cardinal news Sunday November 17, 2019 …

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retail theft, shoplifting, shoplifter, shoplifter Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, theft, theft Arlington Heights, Hyperlocal A