Texting While Driving Is More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving: Study by Zendrive

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Zendrive CEO Jonathan Matus says that distracted driving is on the rise in the U.S. and that phone addicts are more dangerous than drunk drivers.

A Zendrive study found that phone addicts picked up their phones 49 times every 100 miles.

Pedestrian fatalities are at a 30 year high. In the United States, 6,227 pedestrians died in traffic accidents in 2018, according to findings from a Governors Highway Safety Association.

Zendrive says 90% of collisions are due to human error, 1 in 4 are from phone use while driving.

In addition to conducting its own research, Zendrive turns machine-learning algorithms and sensor data into actionable safety insights about driving behavior for an individual, fleet, or road.



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