Informational meetings for businesses and residents have been set for Monday, April 8, 2019. One meeting for business is already completed, and was held on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.
An additional meeting for businesses is scheduled for Monday, April 8 at 3:30 p.m. in the Board Room, located on the third floor of Village Hall. Businesses are encouraged to attend one of the two meetings to review the scope of the construction projects.
An informational meeting for residents of the Downtown regarding the Downtown construction projects will be held on Monday, April 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Board Room of Village Hall.
Email updates on the Downtown Construction Projects, are available from a sign-up page. The info below will also be available by referring to
Overview of Projects
Several important construction projects for the Downtown are planned to start this spring for the 2019 construction season. The Village will post information and updates on these projects on this page and through the Village’s Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor platforms, as well as through its e-newsletter, “Village Connections,” informational meetings, and a new Downtown Construction Updates email. To receive the latest updates directly in your inbox regarding construction projects affecting the Downtown, sign-up for Downtown Construction Update.
The Village of Arlington Heights (VAH) reports it will work to ensure the Downtown area remains navigable and inviting for residents, businesses and all who visit the Downtown throughout the duration of these important projects. VAH says while several construction projects may be going on at one time and appear overwhelming when you review the project maps, keep in mind that only specific areas of each project will be worked on at one time. Although the projects overlap in scope, impacts to individual locations and businesses are not expected to last the duration of the construction schedule.
Details on all construction projects are still being finalized. As construction plans and timelines are finalized for the projects, information will be shared.
Arlington Heights Downtown Sewer Project 2019

The Village’s key Downtown construction project is the installation of larger combined sewer mains in the southern portion of the Downtown (south of Northwest Highway). This project is one of the top recommended stormwater control projects for the Village that will be funded through the stormwater utility fee and grant funding. A significant portion of the estimated of $2,085,000 million cost of the project will be covered by a Metropolitan Water Reclamation District grant the Village has received.
The Downtown sewer project is a key infrastructure improvement identified by flood studies performed between 2013-2016. Projects identified by the studies were prioritized based on funding availability and how many residents would benefit from the project. All of the recommended improvements outlined from the studies are part of the Village’s Capital Improvement Program.
The Downtown sewer project area is roughly bounded on the west by Ridge Avenue, on the north by Wing Street, on the east by Arlington Heights Road, and on the south by Sigwalt Street. This project in the Downtown will involve installation of larger diameter pipes to convey storm water. The Village of Arlington Heights asks that people review the proposed route of the Downtown Sewer Project. The downtown sewer project is expected to take 12 weeks to complete, depending on the weather.
When completed, the larger sewer mains should help mitigate against basement backups for up to 250 homes in this area and reduce frequent street flooding on Campbell Street.
Additional Downtown Improvement Projects Planned for 2019
NICOR Gas Main Replacement 2019

Nicor is also proposing to install new gas mains in the public rights of way that will connect to the front of buildings throughout Downtown. This work is tentatively scheduled to occur between April and November. The Village is discussing options with NICOR regarding their installation plans, construction staging and schedules for this work. Map of NICOR’s Main Replacement proposed project. Although the majority of the work will be done through trenchless technology, open bore pits are needed at the ends of each run. These pits will either be filled or have a plate covering the pit at the end of each day for pedestrian use.
Northwest Highway Resurfacing & ADA Improvements

IDOT plans to resurface Northwest Highway from Dunton Avenue to the eastern Village limits. This project includes upgrading sidewalks at Northwest Highway intersections in the Downtown to be ADA compliant. The project is tentatively scheduled to begin May 1. At this time, the completion date is tentative. Please review the map of Northwest Highway Resurfacing & Sidewalk Improvements.
Mid-block Crosswalks

The Village will create two mid-block crosswalks at Dunton and Evergreen in the Downtown area south of Northwest Highway. Work on these crosswalks will be coordinated with the installation of the Downtown combined sewer main. Please see the map for the Dunton Crosswalk and the Evergreen Crosswalk.
Brick-Paver Replacement on Sidewalk Areas

In addition to the sewer project, the Village also plans to schedule work of replacing sections of the brick-paver sidewalks in the Downtown area north of Northwest Highway. This work, estimated to cost $807,000, is tentatively planned for the fall of this year. Please see the proposed areas of brick-paver replacement.
Updates and timelines of all of the projects listed above can be found on this official village website page, on the Village’s Facebook, Twitter and through Downtown Construction emails that will be sent regularly to all who are interested the progress of the projects and their impacts on Downtown travel. VAH urges people: “Please sign-up for the Downtown Construction Updates now.”
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