Warren Township “Swatting” Incident on Dawn Court Before Dawn Tuesday

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Lake County Sheriff’s Deputies responded about 5:15 a.m. Tuesday December 11, 2018 to an address in the block of 17600 Dawn Court in Warren Township to a report of a man threatening to shoot his wife.

Lake County Sheriff’s Deputies arrived and established a perimeter around the house. They successfully made contact with the occupants of the home, and a man and woman exited the residence. Through an interview with both individuals, Sheriff’s Deputies learned there was no domestic incident and no indication there was going to be a shooting or acts of violence.

Sheriff’s Deputies determined this was a “swatting” incident and further investigation revealed a likely source of fake call for help. The swatting incident is under investigation.

No injuries were reported.

Swatting is defined as a prank or spoof call that involves a fake 9-1-1 call and a significant law enforcement response to specific address where there is no actual emergency. Techniques, such as Caller ID spoofing, cause 9-1-1 center personnel to be tricked into believing that a victim or complainant is calling for help from a specific address. Swatting is typically carried out to harass and frighten the actual residents at the spoofed address.


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