Firefighter killed in gas explosion on Main Street in Sun Prairie (WISN-TV/Milwaukee).
Sun Prairie police and firefighters responded about 6:21 p.m. Tuesday July 10, 2018 to a report of a gas odor near the Barr House, 100 West Main Street, and Glass Nickel Pizza at 101 West Main Street.
A private contractor had struck a natural gas main, and an evacuation was in progress. An explosion occurred, which injured six firefighters and a police officer, and civilians. A plume of smoke rose high in the sky, debris rained down on Main Street, several vehicles started on fire, and the explosion was heard and felt for miles. The explosion and resulting fire also leveled several buildings, and severely damaged several other buildings, in downtown Sun Prairie.
One of the firefighters died from injuries, and another firefighter was critically injured. Firefighters continued to battle flames more than three hours after the explosion. Civilians suffered minor injuries, and none required hospitalization. The exact number of civilians injured was unknown.
Sun Prairie police Lt. Kevin Konopacki said that lives were likely saved as a result of the evacuation.
Police continued to evacuate a five block area. Evacuees met for shelter at Sun Prairie High School at 888 Grove Street, Sun Prairie. The high school is about 0.75 mile south-southeast of the explosion scene.
No people are reported missing, but firefighters will search buildings to confirm there are no unknown people trapped in rubble.
We Energies (Wisconsin Gas) crews are on the scene, and were working to shut the gas supply to the ignited gas main, which could be seen burning in video of the scene. WE Energies spokeswoman Amy Jahns reported that workers for the private contractor apparently punctured a 4-inch natural gas main, causing gas to leak into a building before the explosion. All 12 natural gas lines in the area were shut off by about 9:30 p.m.
The blast occurred about one-half block from City Hall, and appeared to be centered at the Barr House, a popular bar with 4.5/5 stars on Yelp. The bar was obliterated.
An explosion rocked downtown Sun Prairie after a contractor struck a natural gas main Tuesday evening, July 10, 2018.
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A friend of mine captured this clip – explosion in Sun Prairie, WI ?
— JamieLynn (@Jamie_Lynn_937) July 11, 2018
Fire burned for hours in Sun Prairie after a contractor struck a natural gas main, leading to an explosion in Sun Prairie
— WISN 12 NEWS (@WISN12News) July 11, 2018
Watch: Drone video showing the scene after an explosion in downtown Sun Prairie:
— FOX6 News (@fox6now) July 11, 2018
Sun Prairie police and firefighters responded to report of a gas leak near the corner of Main St. and Bristol St. just after 6:20 p.m., shortly after they arrived the building exploded. This picture was sent to us by Adam Meyer. #WKOW
— WKOW 27 (@WKOW) July 11, 2018