A major earthquake struck Mexico City at 18:14:39 UTC (1:14:39 PM CDT). The powerful earthquake affected central Mexico on Tuesday, September 19, 2017, causing buildings to sway and facades to collapse from large buildings. The earthquake occurred on the anniversary of a 1985 quake that did major damage.
Multiple deaths have been reported. Authorities in Mexico about 6:15 p.m. were reporting 119 people killed from the earthquake. Thirty were killed in Mexico City, 54 were killed in Morelas, and 11 were killed in Puebla state.
M 7.1 – 5km ENE of Raboso, Mexico
2017-09-19 18:14:39 UTC 18.584°N 98.399°W 51.0 km depth
Today’s earthquake is the deadliest earthquake since the September 19, 1985 earthquake that killed at least 5,000.
Ninety people were killed Thursday, September 7, 2017 when an 8.2 magnitude earthquake affected especially the southern states of Chiapas, Tabasco and Oaxaca.
Praying for everyone in Mexico City. pic.twitter.com/vs4kQcmOx7
— Luis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@BU37NA) September 19, 2017
Center of Mexico City right now after 7.4 earthquake. Scary. Hope folks are ok. Video shot by a friend in DF pic.twitter.com/tlYtpEShcB
— David Prager (@dlprager) September 19, 2017
Mexico City during the earthquake. pic.twitter.com/udERTj2Scs
— Jorge Guajardo (@jorge_guajardo) September 19, 2017
En el piso 38 en pleno Reforma. pic.twitter.com/zuCIke0kc9
— Gustavo Serrano
(@gooz25) September 19, 2017
Se derrumban inmuebles en la Colonia del Valle en #CDMX tras sismo pic.twitter.com/rzGFQp9Vnl
— Noticieros Televisa (@NTelevisa_com) September 19, 2017
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Mexico City Earthquake Epicenter Tuesday September 19 2017. SOURCE: USGS M 7.1 – 5km ENE of Raboso,Mexico
Sample responses reported from USGS for M 7.1 – 5 km ENE of Raboso, Mexico. SOURCE: USGS
Fuerte sismo sacude CDMX ES REAL https://t.co/iVmXdEZ5Ih
— LA PRENSA (@laprensaoem) September 19, 2017
Sismo de 7.1 grados azota la Ciudad de México, aquí todos los detalleshttps://t.co/0eMLIN1J2b pic.twitter.com/a4F0jVZvzk
— LA PRENSA (@laprensaoem) September 19, 2017