Arlington Heights trustees approved plans Tuesday September for an expansion to Greenbrier Elementary aimed at alleviating overcrowding. The addition to Greenbrier would be the smallest of five additions in nine of the schools part of Arlington Heights School District 25.
Enrollment is projected to increase mostly in the K-5 and early childhood (ED) categories. The school’s current K-5 enrollment is 276, projected to increase to 320 over the next four years. Greenbrier Elementary also houses the district’s early childhood program, which has an enrollment of 180 and is expected to rise to 200 in the same time frame.
The two-story, 8,280- square-foot addition on the southwest side of the school building at 2330 North Verde Drive would be the fifth school addition since last year in Arlington Heights Elementary District 25 due to burgeoning enrollment.
The Greenbrier expansion would contain four classrooms, two small group spaces and two offices. Also proposed is a conversion of the building’s existing computer lab into a classroom, and renovation of an odd-shaped classroom into two small group spaces.
The project also calls for adding 10 parking spaces to the parking lot for a total of 75, though school officials said it’s likely some school staff and visitors would still have to park on the street. Trustee Jim Tinaglia told District 25 he believe with some extra work, the planners might be able to find additional spaces. Trustee Jim Tinaglia encouraged the district to create additional on-site parking, but District 25 Director of Facilities Ryan Schulz said they tried, but said the district is limited by a tight site.
Greenbrier Elementary School addition.
Costs for the project have been estimated between $5.1 million and $8.1 million. The district has received construction bids, but the school board won’t vote on a final bid price until Sept. 21.
The work would be funded under a borrowing plan approved by the school board in December 2016.
Construction is targeted to begin in late October 2017 or early November 2017, with completion the following August 2018, before the 2018-19 school year begins.
Last week Thomas Middle School and Windsor Elementary opened on target with with successful new additions and remodeled projects, and last year, expansions and remodels were developed at Ivy Hill and Olive-Mary Stitt elementary schools.
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Greenbrier Elementary School Aerial © Google Map Data.