Arlington Heights police received a report about 10:29 PM Monday March 13, 2017 of a vehicle burglary at Zip Fitness, 50 West Rand Road Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender or offenders smashed a vehicle window and burglarized the victim’s 2011 white Jeep Patriot.
Taken was the victim’s Michael Kors purse, valued at $120. the purse contained cash, a driver’s license, makeup and various credit cards. Cost to repair the window is unknown.
The crime is reported to have occurred on Monday, March 13, 2017 between 09:15 PM and 10:28 PM. The elapsed time range including the time the crime could have occurred is 1:13 (hours: minutes).
Later on Monday night, two suspect images were connected to unlawful use of the victim’s credit card that was reported missing.
Suspect images below …
Zip Fitness closes at midnight on Mondays. Two vehicle burglaries were also reported at LA Fitness, 345 East Palatine Road between 7:30 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. on Monday March 13, 2017. The two vehicle burglaries at LA Fitness also involved shattered windows and purse or wallet thefts.
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Vehicle Burglary Suspect Zip Fitness Arlington Heights connected to unlawful use of credit card at Palatine Walgreens(Palatine Walgreens security image).
Vehicle Burglary Suspect Zip Fitness Arlington Heights connected to unlawful use of credit card at Palatine Walgreens(Palatine Walgreens security image).
Anyone having information about this or any other serious crime in Arlington Heights can submit an anonymous tip via text or by telephone: Text keyword 847AHPD and your message to 847411; or call Arlington Heights Crime Stoppers at (847) 590-STOP. Callers are guaranteed anonymity and may qualify for a cash reward of up to $1,000.