Schaumburg police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 10:33 PM Sunday to an Activated Fire Alarm, 1310 Valley Lake Drive Schaumburg, Il. Police and firefighter/paramedics also received a report from a person on premise that fire was coming out of a vent on the side of the building.
Schaumburg Battalion Chief 5 upgraded the fire response to a “confirmed fire” Code 3 on report of visible fire seen.
BC5 reports heavy smoke on floors 1, 2, and 3, and white smoke on the 7th floor.
Hoffman Estates T22 crew assigned to the front of the building with smoke ejectors to start ventilating the first floor by 11:04 p.m.
Schaumburg Battalion Chief 5 requested an additional ambulance assigned to standby at the command post.
Firefighters entered the building and reached the fire floor with high-rise packs and hand pumps at 10:42 p.m.
Schaumburg Truck 52’s crew was assigned with ventilation on the second floor.
Engine 54’s interior crew reported trouble locating the fire at 10:45 p.m. The crew had ventilated smoke but was having trouble locating the seat of the fire. A short time later the fire was located and contained to an apartment laundry room on the second floor.
The fire response was upgraded to a Working Fire Response CODE 4 at 10:41 PM, primarily to clear significant smoke on the first, second and third floors.
Squad 55’s crew reported no extension from the fire unit (laundry room) at 11:34 p.m. and no gas leak. There had been concern of a possible gas leak.
Palatine’s truck company was ventilating a “tiny amount of smoke” from the sixth floor at 11:42 p.m.
ENGINE(S): E54 E52
EMS: A53 A54
MABAS Division 1 Box Alarm on Box #4 for a structure fire (apartment fire).
ENGINE(S): Palatine
TRUCK(S): Hoffman Estates T22, Schaumburg TL1
RIT: Palatine Rural Chief 702, Palatine Rural E36
EMS: Schaumburg
CHIEF(S): C500
SPECIAL: Hoffman Estates ISO, Canteen (held up)
CHANGE OF QUARTERS: Streamwood Engine, Hanover Park Ambulance, Elk Grove Township Engine, Elk Grove Vllage Ambualne A52.
STAGING: Valley Lake Drive and Golf Road
STRUCK OUT AT 11:53:56 PM on orders of 502.
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