Gun theft suspect Andre Cummings (law enforcement photo).
A cable TV technician with no known criminal background was in court Friday accused of stealing a handgun from a Palatine residence while he was working as a cable TV technician.
The stolen gun was recovered following a March 2016 shootout with Chicago police. The discovery of the gun and subsequent investigation led to the arrest of 20-year-old cable TV technician Andre Cummings, Jr.
Chicago police recovered the gun on March 14, after another man used it to shoot at Chicago police officers. Police returned fire and shot and killed the man, according to Cook County assistant state’s attorney David Shin. Police tracked down the weapon’s owner with the residence in Palatine. The gun owner said he didn’t realize the weapon was missing. The residence may have been located in unincorporated Palatine.
Shin said that Cummings was working as a cable TV technician for an undisclosed Cable TV provider on October 9, 2015, when he noticed a .40 caliber weapon in a box in a bedroom dresser. Cummings put the weapon in his bag and continued working as a cable TV technician, Shin said.
Cummings said he is an aspiring rapper and told Cook County sheriff’s police he “took the gun in an instant without thinking” because he wanted to use it in a music video, Shin said. Cummings told police the gun was stolen from his car in December, Shin said.
Andre Cummings, Jr. was ordered held on $75,000 bail Friday on charges of residential burglary, a class one felony which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.
Cummings remains in jail on Monday May 16, 2016, and is scheduled to appear again in court on June 3, 2016.
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