U.S. Marines on Euclid Avenue at Memorial Day Parade, Arlington Heights.
Memorial Day events for Monday May 30, 2016 in Arlington Heights include a Parade (9:30 a.m.) through downtown from Sigwalt Street and Arlington Heights Road to Memorial Park at Chestnut and Fremont, and a Ceremony in Memorial Park immediately after the parade (about 11 am). Information about the 97th Annual Memorial Tribute in Arlington Heights is published by the Village of Arlington Heights here [PDF].

> Sigwalt and Arlington Heights Road westbound
> Right turn at Dunton Ave, proceeds northbound Dunton Ave
> Continues northbound to Euclid Avenue, crossing Route 14
> Left turn at Euclid Ave, proceeds westbound Euclid Ave
> Left turn at Chestnut Ave
> Ends at Memorial Park at Chestnut Ave and Fremont St
Marching route approximately 4900 feet.
Memorial service at Memorial Park after parade.
American Post No. 981 Veterans of Foreign Wars will host the Memorial Day Parade at 9:30 a.m. May 30, 2016.
PICTURES from 2013 Memorial Day Parade
528 PICTURES from 2013 Memorial Day Parade …
PICTURES from 2012 Memorial Day Parade
The Cardinal — Arlingtoncardinal.com Photos: Memorial Day Parade Arlington Heights 2012
Including Two Facebook Albums (1) Preparation and (2) On the Route
VIDEOS from 2011 Memorial Day at Memorial Park Ceremony Traditionally held after the Memorial Day Parade …
Memorial Park Wreath Laying Ceremony.
Aristo ‘Art’ Nicholson Receives Bronze Star, Purple Heart.
Nick Marchese Purple Heart.
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