New Single-family Refuse Collection Program for Arlington Heights in April, 2016

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[Updated article initially posted on January 25, 2016]

Residents of single-family homes now have a choice to change to once-a-week refuse, recycling and landscape waste collection starting April 1, 2016, or to subscribe to twice-a-week collection services per the Village’s new contract with Groot.

The new program is being implemented to save wear and tear on public streets and to save on refuse expenses for residents.

Highlighted below are the collection changes with the new contract and what homeowners are required to do if they are choosing certain options or new services.

Collection Options
Households wanting once-a-week collection of refuse do not need to do anything.

Households wishing to maintain twice weekly refuse service were required to subscribe for the additional collection by contacting Groot at or 800-244-1977 before March 1.

Download the Groot brochure for details on the overall changes, pricing, choices, etc.

The collection of refuse, recycling and landscape waste will all take place on the Primary Service Day as follows …

Neighborhoods NORTHWEST of the intersection of Arlington Heights Road and Oakton Street.

Neighborhoods SOUTHWEST of the intersection of Arlington Heights Road and Oakton Street.

Neighborhoods NORTHEAST of the intersection of Arlington Heights Road and Oakton Street.

Neighborhoods SOUTHEAST of the intersection of Arlington Heights Road and Oakton Street.

For households opting for twice weekly service, refuse will be collected on Monday and Thursday for residences north of Oakton. For residents living south of Oakton, refuse will be collected on Tuesday and Friday.

Refuse Carts

All single-family residences will be given 95-gallon refuse carts for use at no charge. The carts will be delivered to all single-family homes the last two weeks of March, 2016.

Residents had the option to receive a 35-gallon or a 65-gallon refuse cart by contacting Groot before March 1 at or 800-244-1977.

If a resident elects to exchange carts a second time in a year, Groot will charge a $25 fee for the service.

Residents who have subscribed for a refuse cart at a charge of $2.50 a month will keep their carts, and will no longer be charged a monthly fee.

Upcoming Changes to Single-family Refuse Collection Program for Arlington Heights in April, 2016

Posted by The Cardinal on Monday, January 25, 2016

A cost savings for most residents will be realized no matter which service level option is chosen. Another advantage with the upcoming changes is that refuse carts (there is a choice of 35, 65 or 95 gallon) will be provided to residents at no additional cost as part of the Village’s new contract with Groot.

Also, once a refuse collection option is chosen, residents will have the opportunity to change the option if they wish once a year free of charge.

Potential Savings for Residents with Standard Curbside Collection:

• Current price: $25.21
• New once-a-week collection price: $17.50
• Annual resident savings: $92.52 (31%)
• New twice-a-week collection price: $24.50
• Annual resident savings: $8.52 (3%)

In summary, advantages of the changes include: cost savings for most residents, residents get the level of service they want, refuse carts are provided to every household at no charge, residents have the opportunity to change their selected level of service, and if choosing once-a-week collection, all materials will be collected on the same day.

What’s New with Landscape Waste, Option to Dispose of Food Waste

Landscape waste stickers will continue to be required on all landscape waste bags and bundles of branches at a price of $2.60 starting April 1, 2016. New with the use of landscape waste stickers next year is that from November 1 until December 15, one sticker can be used for every two bags of leaves. The two-for-one sticker option applies to leaves only.

Residents will also still have the option to subscribe to the Landscape Waste Subscription Program for $135 for the collection season.

Starting with the new Groot contract in April, food scraps can be collected with landscape waste if residents choose to subscribe to the landscape waste collection program and use either a 65-gallon or 95-gallon cart. Costs would be $150 for the program using a 65-gallon cart and $165 if using a 95-gallon cart.

Any extra landscape waste would need to be placed next to the cart in bags/bundles with stickers. The collection season for all landscape waste will be extended until the second week of December.

New Billing Procedures

Groot will begin billing residents on a quarterly basis after January, 2016. The first billing will be under the current rate schedule, subsequent billings will be at the new rates.

Sign-up for Refuse Collection Alternative, Refuse Cart Options

Residents choosing the once-a-week collection will not need to contact Groot. Those who wish to subscribe to twice-a-week refuse collection will need to call Groot during a specific timeframe to be determined.

Residents who would like to use a 95-gallon refuse cart will not need to contact Groot. Those who want the option of a 35-gallon or 65-gallon refuse cart will need to contact Groot by March 1, 2016. If a resident chooses to change the size of their cart, they can do so once a year at no charge. If a resident elects to exchange carts a second time in a year, Groot will charge $25 for the service.

Remember that only refuse and recycling carts provided by Groot are allowed at the curb.

Please take time to familiarize yourself with the size of each cart to help you form an opinion on which cart you prefer for your home. Residents will be informed as to when the different sizes of carts will be on display at Village Hall and elsewhere in the Village. Viewing the carts will help residents decide what will accommodate their needs the best.

Cart Dimensions
35 Gallon= 21 inches wide x 24 inches deep x 40 inches high
65 Gallon= 27 inches wide x 29 inches deep x 41 inches high
95 Gallon= 29 inches wide x 34 inches deep x 46 inches high

(Carts for different uses will include different color schemes)

For further information, please contact Groot at 800-244-1977 or the Health Services Department at 847-368-5760.

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