On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 police say that the three offenders entered the Jewel/Osco at Rand Road and Palatine Road after midnight.
Offender #1 is described as a male/black subject 5’11”, 140 lbs, wearing a black/red Chicago Bulls baseball hat, black t-shirt and white shorts w/black stripes, entered the back storeroom on the Osco section and removed over $1600.00 worth of liquor in a shopping cart.
Offender #2, is described as a male/black, 5’06”, 140 lbs, wearing a black baseball hat w/red (possibly Chicago Bulls) emblem, a black shirt and black shorts.
Offender #2 entered the store, began shopping and filled a shopping cart, as a distraction for offender #1.
Offender #2 brought the shopping cart to the checkout isle after offender #1 left the store. Offender #2 told store cashier he left money in his car and left the store.
Offender #3, is described as a female/black 5’08”, 160 lbs, with black hair and blonde streaks, and with an unknown tattoo on her upper left arm. Offender #3 was wearing a striped multi-colored dress, and also entered the store in an attempt to distract store staff.
Offender #3 left the store immediately after offender #1. Offender #1 and #2 were on their cell phones the entire time they were in the store.

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