Could this Happen in Elk Grove? Elk Bull Chases Couple on Motorcycle in Montana

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Couple on motorcycle chased by Elk bull in Montana.

A couple was traveling on Highway 200 from Missoula, Montana to Ovandao, Montana when they encountered an ELK in rut. They slowed down when they saw two elk ahead of them near a pickup truck …

The person in the truck must have had some food because the elk jumped up on his hind legs and peered in to the drivers window. (I have that on video as well) Then the elk jumped down and started to approach us. There were two actually. One was a bit smaller and had different looking antlers. I am not much of a hunter so I don’t know why they appeared different than the other. I was surprised that the elk came so close to us and I could feel a great deal of tension between us and the animal. I am willing to bet that if Glen hadn’t hit the throttle when he had, that elk would have jumped up on us.

— Heather Leigh

Elk are fenced in at the northwest corner of Arlington Heights Road and Higgins Road in Elk Grove Village in the Busse Woods forest preserve.

Steppenwolf – Born to be wild 1969.

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