Police in South Florida captured what they say is an almost 14-foot long Burmese python. A homeowner found the serpent while cleaning out his shed.
The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR) Venom Response Team responded to the 1000 block of West 60th Stree in Hialeah. A Burmese Python was called to the home of Luis Eduardo Avendano to deal with the 14-foot reptile doun in a shed. The snake weighed about 100 pounds and required several people to carry it out of the shed in Hilaleah.
Although Burmese Pythons are not poisonous, they are known to have killed small children in Florida, and the Venom Response Team was called to the scene. The Venom Response Team currently maintains the largest and only antivenom bank for public use in the United States. The Team employs the latest techniques to prevent morbidity and mortality through antivenom intervention 24 hours a day, seven days a week, locally, nationally, and internationally.
About one year ago, Waukegan police responded about 10:00 a.m. Monday September 17, 2012 to a report that a large snake was found near Seahorse Drive and Clayton Street. A light-colored Burmese Python about 12-15-feet long was discovered (See The Cardinal Burmese Python Found Near Seahorse Dr and Clayon St Near Waukegan Yacht Club.
Miami-Dade Venom Response Program
The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR) Venom Response Program
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