DUI Arrest at Mayfair and Derbyshire After Witnesses Report Black Jeep Driving on Sidewalk Along Northwest Highway

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Jeep Cherokee with police waiting for DUI hold tow at Mayfair and Derbyshire (more photos …).

Arlington Heights police arrested a DUI driver about 6:28 PM Monday after a motorist initially reported a reckless/possibly DUI driver near Northwest Highway and Dunton Avenue Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that a driver of a black Jeep Cherokee was eastbound on Northwest Highway from Dunton Avenue and driving on the sidewalk and weaving.

Mount Prospect police had received a report minutes before that a vehicle with the same description departed from Melas Park after the driver entered the vehicle and appeared intoxicated.

The vehicle continued eastbound on Northwest Highway into a construction zone and turned left on Northwest Highway and Carlyle Place and hit a large orange construction cone as it was passing near the intersection.

A police sergeant spotted the vehicle at Mayfair and Derbyshire and stopped the vehicle. Police immediately had the vehicle stopped after multiple 9-1-1 calls were received.

A male driver was arrested DUI about 6:54 p.m. — shortly after the traffic stop at about 6:35 p.m.

Map of area of initial motorist report at Northwest Highway and Dunton Avenue …

Map of area of DUI traffic stop at Mayfair Road and Derbyshire Avenue …

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