“Public Research Group” at Business Meeting on Consumer Shopping Habits at Village Hall

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Learn about the customer profile of consumers in Arlington Heights in an informative presentation on consumer shopping habits, “Who is Your Customer?” held Thursday, April 11, 2013, from 7:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. in the Community Room, located on the third floor of Village Hall, 33 S. Arlington Heights Road. The breakfast meeting is sponsored by the Village of Arlington Heights and the Arlington Economic Alliance.

David Emanuelson, Partner at Public Research Group, will provide insight into the Customer Profile of consumers in Arlington Heights and their shopping preferences, patterns, opinions, socioeconomic characteristics and stores desired.

The second presenter, Tod Stanton, Partner at Public Research Group, will discuss the consumer shopping habits and patterns found through the recent Consumer Research Survey conducted for the Village of Arlington Heights.

Cost to attend the meeting is $10 per person. To register for the breakfast and arrange payments, please email lpascucci@vah.com.

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