CPR Classes Offered at Arlington Heights Fire Department — Fire Station 2 (Actual AED Video from Rapid City, SD)

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The Arlington Heights Fire Department is providing CPR instruction on Tuesday, April 16, from 7 – 10 p.m. at the Arlington Heights Fire Department Administration Headquarters/ Fire Station #2, 1150 N. Arlington Heights Road. Class will be held in the Training Room, located on the second floor.

The cost is $40 per person, and includes a Lay Responder course that teaches:

Recognition and emergency resuscitation techniques for adult heart attack, stroke and choking.

Injury and cardiac arrest prevention.

Treatment of cardiac emergencies.

Choking in infants and children.

Class size is limited to 18 students and students must be at least 16 years old.

A card from the American Heart Association documenting successful CPR course completion will be issued to participants. Another CPR class will be held on Tuesday, September 10.

Registration fees are non-refundable. To register for the class, please download the CPR Registration Form or call the Fire Department at 847-368-5465. You can also email lpotts@vah.com.


The following video was not released by the Arlington Heights Fire Department, and is not related to the Village of Arlington Heights in any way. The video was released by the Rapid City (South Dakota) Police Department.

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO BELOW. The video displays an incident that starts seconds after a witnessed cardiac arrest that occurred while a passenger was stricken in a vehicle. A police car with a dash cam happened to be immediately behind the stopped vehicle with the stricken passenger. The video demonstrates the urgency and unexpected nature of such an incident. One of the key problems is that the vehicle pulls over next to a steep parkway. First, the parkway makes it especially challenging to get the victim out of the vehicle. Second, the angle of the victim places the head above the body, making it more difficult for CPR to be effective — pumping blood upward against gravity toward the head, where the brain is most sensitive to lack of oxygen. First responding police officers acted heroically and quickly, and then a nurse arrived and instructed first responders to get the victim level … watch what happens …

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: First responder CPR with AED administered to a passenger of a stopped vehicle.

A Rapid City, South Dakota police officer discovers trouble at the side of the street, August 27, 2011. Officer Kathleen Callery was the first officer on scene, and was quickly joined by Officer Chris Hunt and Officer Michael Frybarger. The trio administered CPR and an AED shock while waiting for an ambulance to arrive. As the officers worked to save Seamans’ life, nurse Laurie Mills drove past the scene. She jumped in to assist the officers, helping to administer chest compressions as medics arrived. EMS took over CPR, and within minutes, Seamans was breathing on his own. Seamans was transported to Rapid City Regional Hospital, where he recovered and was released several days later.

Mills was honored for her assistance with the Community Service Award. Chief Allender also awarded Officers Callery, Hunt, and Frybarger with the Life Saving Medal for their swift response. The Life Saving Medal may be given to officers for an act performed in the line of duty that, through disregard of personal safety or prompt and alert action, results in saving a life.

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Arlington Heights Fire Engine

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